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Formerly Seth

It's the most likely pairing for Zoro. After his adventure with the SHs, he's likely settling in Wano. Set up his own dojo or something.
Remember that this is One Piece we are talking about. Oda doesn't give a fuck about pairings.

Probably the most confirmed shit u can get is Hancock x Luffy.

Rest of the SH's are open thing. Well this also proves that Zoro and Robin might never happend but I have chance at being right about Hiyori never getting to Zoro.
It's the most likely pairing for Zoro. After his adventure with the SHs, he's likely settling in Wano. Set up his own dojo or something.
I think Oda would end it with them visiting their homelands but then coming back to the ship and saying they haven't still visited everywhere and going for another adventure


Zoro Worshipper
Hiyori will eventually be revealed as a will-o'-the-wisp, she will stay on Wano and never leave it I bet.

A chance could be that EoS Zoro returned to Wano to marry her and spend the rest of his life there, but he has never been the kind of guy to reject adventure. I don't feel like the WSS status will turn him into a Mihawk when it comes to life habits. Tashigi won't leave the Marine I bet, but Coby would eventually not oppose to their marriage. If he does, I bet she could leave.
Remember that this is One Piece we are talking about. Oda doesn't give a fuck about pairings.

Probably the most confirmed shit u can get is Hancock x Luffy.

Rest of the SH's are open thing. Well this also proves that Zoro and Robin might never happend but I have chance at being right about Hiyori never getting to Zoro.
Oda cares about what happens to the SHs at the end of series and beyond. He's invested so much into these characters he's going to give the SHs closure and a good epilogue.
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