Speculations Why Zoro & Killer don’t belong


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Law vs 3 captains? :suresure: Good One, maybe in a different parallel dimension
He meant Kaido vs 3 captains (Luffy, Kidd, Law).

So any rational arguments ? Or is it the same conformation bias issues ?
Here you go:
Yasuie saying no one has been able to slay Kaido:

Hitetsu suggesting that Zoro might surpass Oden:

Zoro directly expressing his desire to cut Kaido:

Kaido saying the Scabbards are too weak and there has never again been a Samurai as strong as Oden:

Zoro is going to replicate (or even surpass) Oden's feats vs Kaido this arc. I don't know how you read all the above and conclude Zoro will do nothing of note in this fight (or that he will instead fight Smoothie). I guess some people are just addicted to being wrong.
Smoothie has a far higher chance of fighting against a sliding shoji door than fighting against Zoro. Anyone who has been reading the manga for the last few months knows the direction where Oda’s headed with Zoro this arc. It’s been implied that the Big Mom Pirates will miss a good chunk of the showdown on Onigashima, with Marco saying “the times may have changed” or whatever when they pass the waterfall.
Oda can turn the tables with smoothie in just one chapter. He did that to Capone and he is good at doing it

big mom pirates should not survive this arc... also why bring them from the beginning ? Doesn’t look like oda style at all. Only one who will survive this is big mom
Jesus, dude, do you REALLY think any of that shit will influence what’s happening now?? Zoro’s on the roof to face Kaido; even if he gets defeated (by literally the strongest character in the series), he is MEANT to be there and fight the Yonko. How can I explain this in terms that will still make sense even when filtered through your compounded delusions??
Ok he will “fight” but not the type of fight you will except more like a tiger vs cat type of fight and that’s it


Zoro Worshipper
cry Orochi is dead, Shinobu and Yasu said orochi was never the real threat, Zoro has been foreshadowing Zoro vs Kaido
I wonder how Orochi can be alive when his head was cut whilst he was in human form. Like you can't have several heads while your body is normalized and they can't come out from the neck that was cut.
not gonna troll this time so mods you have no right to delete this one :brootea:

seriously the amount of people that think these 2 will actually do something worth mentioning doesn’t make any sense. Just because they stand there ? Robin and zoro stood like that against enel but we all know what happened.

I warned people about Marco coming and fighting king but 95% attacked my rational thinking with jokes as if I was trolling but nothing new here as most of people here have some bias conformation issues .

Zoro just like I said year ago should be fighting smoothie. We always know zoro fights the second strongest and smoothie fits so well as she is the strongest big mom pirate in this war and she HAS a reason to go after him because big mom wants revenge from all straw hats as she said many times. Also not that it matter in zoro fights who he fight as long as it a strong swordman (900 million bounty with sword ? Hmm sure doesn’t make any sense)

killer too he gonna be most likely be a mere plot tool if we use some common sense. He was humiliated by all and you except him to do something against a yonko ? Yeah makes a lot of sense.
Why he is there ? Probably To get killed and be a power booster for kid...the boring shonen script we all know

but just like my older thread I would like to come the next year seeing my rational predictions coming into reality.

and BTW my theory about garp coming and fighting mama then getting killed (luffy will beat mama in elbaf solo) and the 3 captains vs kaido is only making more and more sense as time progresses

My advice is don’t get too hopeful about zoro doing something or luffy beating 2 yonko ... and big mom will most likely continue to elbaf so big mom haters :milaugh: I just gave you a warning so that you won’t feel as bad when it happens
Because it makes so much sense for zoro doing an incredible spectacle soon, let's not take in portrayal for now and let's just talk about simple facts
1. Wano revolves around Japanese culture and zoro was a japanese
2. Wano is a land of Samurai/swordsman, and zoro is a swordsman
3. Zoro got Enma, the only blade that had permanently injured Kaido

"zoro fights the second strongest"
the second strongest of the enemies is big mom currently

And what about your own point? why dont you think zoro will make something big in Wano? Or why do you think Law, Kid, and Killer will make something bigger than zoro?

Just a remider for you, the moment law got hyped up heavily during dressrosa, Oda fooled them by making Law a complete fodder in the eyes of Doffy, even zoro performed bigger feats than Law despite only having small scene.
Keep inhaling that copium, Zoro is and will always be ten times more relevant than any superloser not named Luffy. How do Midd and Low belong but not the guy who inherited Ryuma sword, then Oden's sword and who dreams to be the WSS? Zoro will have better feats than both of them combined (although he already has better feats) by end of Wano. Seethe.
Zoro has nothing with kaido. It’s orochi that he is connected to and wants to kill because of Yasu and oden daughter
Got oden s sword but he has nothing with kaido lul
Says he wants to slay kaido
Since the war started he wanted to fight kaido and since the raid started where has zoro mentioned orochi?this country is in ruins because of kaido not that trash orochi who is a weakling:goyea:
Read one piece not juan piece :cheers: