US Presidental Race : 2020

Who is taking the US Presidential Election ?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 47 37.9%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 41 33.1%
  • Kanye West

    Votes: 36 29.0%

  • Total voters
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So the conspiracy theories about voter fraud he's been spewing didn't have any impact on what happened today? Trump was ALWAYS the problem mate. Yes, these racist gun loving degenerates have always lived in the U.S even before Trump, but they stayed quiet until the second Trump became president. Trump gave them their voice and platform. There's a reason this has never happened to the U.S in modern times.
I wouldn't say that they remained calm until Trump. It's rather that Trump was here when they came at a boiling point. What's happening today was bound to happen, because US governments of the past have done precious little to prevent it. I mean, how the fuck is it possible that the most powerful country in the world doesn't even have real healthcare for all, available easily and without putting you in debtor's hell ?

There was always a lot of problems in the US that the Cold War allowed to hide away from sight. but sooner or later, those sort of things bubble up. And frankly, I doubt it'll be the only place it'll happen... Europe is up for some hectic years in the future, I'm pretty sure of it, sadly...
So the conspiracy theories about voter fraud he's been spewing didn't have any impact on what happened today? Trump was ALWAYS the problem mate. Yes, these racist gun loving degenerates have always lived in the U.S even before Trump, but they stayed quiet until the second Trump became president. Trump gave them their voice and platform. There's a reason this has never happened to the U.S in modern times.
1-61 in court cases too
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I wouldn't say that they remained calm until trump. It's rather that Trump was here when they came at a boiling point. What's happening today was bound to happen, because US governments of the past have done precious little to prevent it. I mean, how the fuck is it possible that the most powerful country in the world doesn't even have real healthcare for all, available easily and without putting you in debtor's hell ?
bound to happen because of who?.... oh yeah Trump, who has been rambling on his lying escapade about how the election was rigged because he lost
bound to happen because of who?.... oh yeah Trump, who has been rambling on his lying escapade about how the election was rigged because he lost
Trump's a catalyst, but he didn't create those peoples and their delusions. In fact, he came in power thanks to them. He just fed them what they wanted to hear and it worked, because the US electoeral system is horribly flawed and outdated, its institutions (like many in the world, if not all of them) rotten alive by corruption and incompetence.

Trump's an accelerator but what's happening at the Capitol Hill ? That's what happens when Right-Wing ideology is allowed to flourish. If it hadn't been Trump, it would have been someone else, sooner or later.
I wouldn't say that they remained calm until Trump. It's rather that Trump was here when they came at a boiling point. What's happening today was bound to happen, because US governments of the past have done precious little to prevent it. I mean, how the fuck is it possible that the most powerful country in the world doesn't even have real healthcare for all, available easily and without putting you in debtor's hell ?

There was always a lot of problems in the US that the Cold War allowed to hide away from sight. but sooner or later, those sort of things bubble up. And frankly, I doubt it'll be the only place it'll happen... Europe is up for some hectic years in the future, I'm pretty sure of it, sadly...
Bound to happen? I disagree. The U.S has always and will always have protests and riots that happen, but I've never seen actual treason in the form of a coup go down on live television. They stormed the Capitol with weapons ffs, this shit is as unprecedented as it gets (the type of shit you see only in movies). Notice that before Trump, no election has properly made the U.S the laughing stock that it currently is.
Trump's a catalyst, but he didn't create those peoples and their delusions. In fact, he came in power thanks to them. He just fed them what they wanted to hear and it worked, because the US electoeral system is horribly flawed and outdated, its institutions (like many in the world, if not all of them) rotten alive by corruption and incompetence.

Trump's an accelerator but what's happening at the Capitol Hill ? That's what happens when Right-Wing ideology is allowed to flourish. If it hadn't been Trump, it would have been someone else, sooner or later.
Yes that created delusions people believed aka the election he so clearly lost, hence why our capital building is being stormed. The proof is literally in the pudding aka the tweets and rallies. I agree the electoral college is terrible, my opinion is it should be a popular vote.

It is clear as day that Biden clearly won all the swing states just look at Trumps record in court... 1-61 including his own judges that he (Trump) appointed throwing out his cases because they have 0 merit

Followed with a bunch of Senators and Reps who are too big of pussies to stand up to him because they want his base to vote for him.
Bound to happen? I disagree. The U.S has always and will always have protests and riots that happen, but I've never seen actual treason in the form of a coup go down on live television. They stormed the Capitol with weapons ffs, this shit is as unprecedented as it gets (the type of shit you see only in movies). Notice that before Trump, no election has properly made the U.S the laughing stock that it currently is.
I don't know, i don't feel so surprised. Far-Right must do some Far-Rightism to me, you know ? And frankly, as far back as the Irak invasion, I've always been unable to not see the rottenness eating at the US's core. Not that we are much better here in France, if at all. But this sort of things ? It happens sooner or later. History never ends and what has risen must also fall. It's a constant. Nothing is eternal so in my book, this sort of things would happen. And will happen again, somewhere else (perhaps even my country, who knows? Our governement is so damn pathetic and aping the Far-Right at the moment that anything is possible).
Trump is the problem, don't know why he cannot accept the fact he lost the election. someone missed the memo
I'm talking about decades of fucking over the people by both parties, this is basically a volcano ready to explode, didn't matter if it was Biden or Trump saying it was fraud, it was gonna happen. Trump has no support anymore politically, his days are numbered as president, the courts threw out his cases..He's no longer the problem, everyone under him are the problem lol.
Bound to happen? I disagree. The U.S has always and will always have protests and riots that happen, but I've never seen actual treason in the form of a coup go down on live television. They stormed the Capitol with weapons ffs, this shit is as unprecedented as it gets (the type of shit you see only in movies). Notice that before Trump, no election has properly made the U.S the laughing stock that it currently is.
Seige of Portland and Seattle weren't coups?
Yes that created delusions people believed aka the election he so clearly lost, hence why our capital building is being stormed. The proof is literally in the pudding aka the tweets and rallies. I agree the electoral college is terrible, my opinion is it should be a popular vote.

It is clear as day that Biden clearly won all the swing states just look at Trumps record in court... 1-61 including his own judges that he (Trump) appointed throwing out his cases because they have 0 merit

Followed with a bunch of Senators and Reps who are too big of pussies to stand up to him because they want his base to vote for him.
Of course he lost. But that's just the cherry on top of their delusions. Those peoples aren't out there because Trump refuses to admit he lost and so do they. They're out there because they believe only the people who think like them are right. The people who look like them. Those who don't don't deserve power, that's basically the gist of it. And that's been almost a constant for the most virulent Conservative strains in politics ever since politic became a thing.
I'm talking about decades of fucking over the people by both parties, this is basically a volcano ready to explode, didn't matter if it was Biden or Trump saying it was fraud, it was gonna happen. Trump has no support anymore politically, his days are numbered as president, the courts threw out his cases..He's no longer the problem, everyone under him are the problem lol.

Seige of Portland and Seattle weren't coups?
decaes of people that did not storm the captial building over "the vote". Biden doesnt incite violence, has codemned it, like he condemned the protestors that rioted and looted the whole time.

Trump literally has a ton of support from congress, Senators and Reps rejected elector votes today on the floor, it's all caught on cspan

courts threw out trumps cases yet trump still tweets about voter fraud and his stupid base believes it
But Trump was the right catalyst, if in his place there was an adult with a brain he would have never asked for his elector to come protest (armed cause this is America) in front of the congress. Even worst when the things were happening and it was bright as day the sea of shit he had just caused instead of trying to stop the falling dam he, who is a very very special kid, kept sprouting his nonsense about the elections and just to not be violent but not to go home cause the void inside his head still thinks he can win the elections he lost months ago. If America has to dive 5 meters under the sea of shit he provoked then that is fine as long as he keeps the power.

Really America and the world are somewhat lucky looking from another perspective, if the things went in another way in certain junctures this clown could have become the 1st american dicatator ( and the 2nd Ivanka of course).
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Of course he lost. But that's just the cherry on top of their delusions. Those peoples aren't out there because Trump refuses to admit he lost and so do they. They're out there because they believe only the people who think like them are right. The people who look like them. Those who don't don't deserve power, that's basically the gist of it. And that's been almost a constant for the most virulent Conservative strains in politics ever since politic became a thing.
Yes they are out there, you and I have common sense to know he lost and that all his claims are false.

They stormed the building because they (trumpers) are stupid and believe Trump's bullshit and still believe Trump is the winner
I don't know, i don't feel so surprised. Far-Right must do some Far-Rightism to me, you know ? And frankly, as far back as the Irak invasion, I've always been unable to not see the rottenness eating at the US's core. Not that we are much better here in France, if at all. But this sort of things ? It happens sooner or later. History never ends and what has risen must also fall. It's a constant. Nothing is eternal so in my book, this sort of things would happen. And will happen again, somewhere else (perhaps even my country, who knows? Our governement is so damn pathetic and aping the Far-Right at the moment that anything is possible).
Well I for one am surprised lol. Actually this is the first time in years that anything Trump related has surprised me. I've lost faith in both the left and the right for the longest, but I never expected the Capitol to be raided the way it was. I kinda feel like a lot of people are underestimating how ridiculous all of this is.

Seige of Portland and Seattle weren't coups?
These aren't remotely comparable, they stormed the CAPITOL with guns and bombs and a lady has even been killed..... The federal government's authority was never in trouble during Portland or Seattle.

Adam 🍎

Pretty Boy
Pence called the National Guard not Trump
Pence would be killed if the rioters have gotten him
Pence can invoke 25th and take on Trump with support of Dems and Republicans led by Pence/Romney
Well I for one am surprised lol. Actually this is the first time in years that anything Trump related has surprised me. I've lost faith in both the left and the right for the longest, but I never expected the Capitol to be raided the way it was. I kinda feel like a lot of people are underestimating how ridiculous all of this is.
I don't know... Perhaps it's just because my country has always been rather... unstable since it overthrew absolute monarchy (since 1789 we've got five Republics, two Monarchies , two Empires and one Fascist Dictatorship); and I'm from a staunchly Left family (which in the US would probably put me on the Left of AOC or Sanders) so this sort of things ? Yeah, it's expected to happen. If it can happen in Bolivia or elsewhere, it can happen everywhere.

And it becomes horribly easy when the Police itself becomes taken by the same ideologies as those kind of domestic terrorists - and it happens rather easily as far as I can see.
Well I for one am surprised lol. Actually this is the first time in years that anything Trump related has surprised me. I've lost faith in both the left and the right for the longest, but I never expected the Capitol to be raided the way it was. I kinda feel like a lot of people are underestimating how ridiculous all of this is.

These aren't remotely comparable, they stormed the CAPITOL with guns and bombs and a lady has even been killed..... The federal government's authority was never in trouble during Portland or Seattle.
Seattle siege caused 2 murders, a dozen assaults' and rapes, Portland still ongoing. Same scenario where law enforcement doesn't do shit until it gets worse, I say they are the same. I too have no faith in the government from either side, never did, as the late George Carlin once said.. IT'S A BIG CLUB, AND YOU AIN'T IN IT.
Seattle siege caused 2 murders, a dozen assaults' and rapes, Portland still ongoing. Same scenario where law enforcement doesn't do shit until it gets worse, I say they are the same. I too have no faith in the government from either side, never did, as the late George Carlin once said.. IT'S A BIG CLUB, AND YOU AIN'T IN IT.
These are different scales entirely, neither Portland nor Seattle symbolize the U.SA's strength like the Capitol does. I dont condone any sort of violence, but in the case of Portland and Seattle, people dying wasn't as surprising with how the police responded to rioters. In this case, people's lives are put in danger for what...? because the racists believed their idol's conspiracies and want to illegally put him back in power? Can you imagine if they actually got their hands on Nancy Pelosi or any other politican whose office they raided? Our foreign enemies are probably having the time of their lives, eating popcorn and seeing the state of the capitol of the U.S

I don't know... Perhaps it's just because my country has always been rather... unstable since it overthrew absolute monarchy (since 1789 we've got five Republics, two Monarchies , two Empires and one Fascist Dictatorship); and I'm from a staunchly Left family (which in the US would probably put me on the Left of AOC or Sanders) so this sort of things ? Yeah, it's expected to happen. If it can happen in Bolivia or elsewhere, it can happen everywhere.

And it becomes horribly easy when the Police itself becomes taken by the same ideologies as those kind of domestic terrorists - and it happens rather easily as far as I can see.
I mean, all of our foreign enemies just witnessed on live TV how our capitol crumbled to pieces in the face of a bunch of hillbillies. This is the exact type of shit that isn't expected to happen to the democracy preaching, strongest army in the world, U.S.A of all places...
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