Questions & Mysteries How do you think Sanji will survive Black Maria?

How do you think he will survive?

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It still needs friction, he just dosent need to spin arround in the same place to ignite it, its not like he cant summon flames out of nowhere, he dosent have Ace's df.
No he doesnt need friction. Sanji gets fired up due to his emotions. Literally said so the first time he used it. In Thriller Bark he was combusting and exploding due to anger. It has nothing to do with friction.

In FI....what did he do to use Hell Memories ? Did he spin or did he remember all those bad memories that made him angry....

You clearly dont know what your talking about. He hasnt spun once post timeskip.
Its never shown what he is doing to ignite it, he just remenbers his time in the island and it gives him the motivation to do it, but lets put asside how your statement that makes no sense what soo ever, since people cant just create fire out of nothing unless they have a DF.

Then why didnt he free himself yet? He's enjoying getting beaten up by blacktooth?
kinnemon, fossa, sanji are seemingly all able to create fire out of nothing.

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Its never shown what he is doing to ignite it, he just remenbers his time in the island and it gives him the motivation to do it, but lets put asside how your statement that makes no sense what soo ever, since people cant just create fire out of nothing unless they have a DF.
If there's no evidence of friction being used to ignite Sanji's body, then you take that shit at face value that he is capable of doing that without a DF and with his memories he is able to ignite his entire body. I dont know why you tryna make this so complicated.

He ignited his body once before in TB WITHOUT friction, in FI that same concept was turned into an attack. Its fiction lmao.

Then why didnt he free himself yet? He's enjoying getting beaten up by blacktooth?
Plot lmao.
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Sanji won't hit women, Oda maded this situation without any reason(i bet he could avoided), some women gonna sve him probably Robin, which i strongly belive will happen
Robin have powers to Match Black Maria but question is will she beat her?
I still want Sanji to have some CoC power that can help him knock out women. Itd be so useful for him....

Sanji's gags do become powers later on. Like Hell Memories did. So this weird aura Nami sensed could lead to something.

Though realistically Robin will save him. I just wish he can get out the webs himself.
No he doesnt need friction. Sanji gets fired up due to his emotions. Literally said so the first time he used it. In Thriller Bark he was combusting and exploding due to anger. It has nothing to do with friction.

In FI....what did he do to use Hell Memories ? Did he spin or did he remember all those bad memories that made him angry....

You clearly dont know what your talking about. He hasnt spun once post timeskip.
Yo chrono, the Sanji fanclub still going strong?
I still want Sanji to have some CoC power that can help him knock out women. Itd be so useful for him....

Sanji's gags do become powers later on. Like Hell Memories did. So this weird aura Nami sensed could lead to something.

Though realistically Robin will save him. I just wish he can get out the webs himself.
i dont think sanji would use CoC to knock out women, and in this case it most likely wouldnt knock out black maria
Come on Chrono, Sanji wankers should at the very least know the basics of how Sanji abilities work...he dosent create fire with the power of his butthole, he creates it with friction, meaning he has to be able to move to use fire. And he cant realy do that by lying in the ground tied up and bleeding, can he?
Explain hells memories then. Sanji literally remembered okama island and his whole body was on fire.
Rekien out here in denial that Sanji can ignite hia body in flames when he clearly shown the ability to do so since before the timeskip
Never said he cant ignite his body in flames, said he cant ignite his body in flames with sheer will alone, or else he wouldnt be in the situation he is now, would he? That pannel you showed was purely for comedic efect.

If he escapes with fire by himself from the gifters that are holding him, then yeah, you are right....If not, then its proff that he needs to be able to move to ignite himself.