Who Will Woronoa Woro One Shot Next?

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so, any Sanji fan who pits Sanji against Queen or King?

you say idiots are taking over? no. they were always there. not more not less.
its just that the ones you call idiots now have plenty of fuel for their fire and you got nothing.
you either deal with it or make your way to an echo chamber like Reddit. its a great place for Luffy fans and Sanji fans. no joke.
We kind of agree.

The idiots were always here and in great numbers. They did not take over now, they just were given nothing to run wild with, and with the first crumbs served to them they're turning it into an obnoxious feast.
Dude this isn't a Physics reasearch paper, Its shonen Manga if he says he can cut anything. Either he can or he is going to learn to do it. Nobody has prove if Zoro is on Quantum level.
If you do not even bother to comprehend what we're debating about, I'm afraid it's meaningless to explain this to you any further.
In case you want to try it again, it's easy: just post a panel in which Zoro cut the aforementioned stuff.


Aokiji low-diff him before sickness
Kizaru trolled him and outright attacked him, beginning of the war
Akaniu sends meteor volcano, they block his strongest attack in 3 parts with their own haki
there up there with the yonkous, you cant even have scans there in the same breath

All 3 gagnted up on one man and couldn't win even with cheapshots/tricks

They failed to beat/KO Sickbeard while he 2 shotted Akinu...

Only Akany can stand with Rocks pirates but he is at best hig diff
The rest of admirals are not yonko level


King is still the second strongest of Kaido who is a swordsman who has fire powers that Zoro can cut who will not be defeated by Marco since he’s too important to be beaten by a side character

And the Supernovas on the roof are obviously gonna lose so this entire fight system is gonna be rearranged
So you think Wano has over 50 chapters left? and it will be the biggest arc by FAR?
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