Roger was the Pirateking 
And was only matched by ONE MAN according to those who sailed with him

And was only matched by ONE MAN according to those who sailed with him
that's why he don't give a fuck about being pirate king
If he was a real Pirate he'd go and take care of whatever he was gonna talk about by himself.
Sakazuki trashtalked them. He is more of an "enemy" to the Gorosei than Shanks
Sakazuki trashtalked them. He is more of an "enemy" to the Gorosei than Shanks
we don't even know what Shanks is talking about
not all problems are power level related
just like when he went and talked with WB ... he wanted to warn him cause only he could order Ace ....
Sakazuki is the underling of their underling .... a angry child who got slapped as soon as he talked shit