General & Others Zoro was the only worst gen member to not hurt Kaido

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Because punches are different than Sword Slashes you imbecile. Douche Canoe it is :gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh:
An that change what about the markings? Anyway so people can’t be help, move along I did my part.
So did Zoro and Killer. Zoro out here intercepting a Youkou attack and outmanuevering Kaido guard.
not as much as law did. He did good himself tho.
Yes, i bet being hit by some rocks and a smaller pica golem made him hurt lots.

Only one who did any damage was Luffy, and only with the first punch.
I knew that Zoro's fanboys would compare Law's attack with Pica's shitty punches.
But Law's takt power is telekinetic, go open a physics book, read about mechanics and about concepts of kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy.
The acceleration of a gravitational power here is totally different, Law's attack was literally superior to Luffy's KG using haki


Kitetsu Wanker
Not sure how? Law can cut anything fuck Kaido scales, only b list novas need to worry about that. I address the situation different if Kaido uses haki tho. Tho Zoro yet to pass the scales.
Very simple. Law will use his proper abilities and not rocks and guess what will happen...
The B list supernovas didnt come up on the dome.
You understand that Law's entire arsenal will fail? I guess not so that's why you are not sure how you are jumping the gun?
Who would I rather believe: A spoiler provider who clearly stated that it's blood. not a lot of blood 3 or 4 droplets

oooooorrrrrrrrr you:

Real Tough decision here
Spoiler providers are just looking at the scans like us lol. But anyway I did my part wank way lls.
Since drops of blood coming from kaido don't mean kaido was hurt.
prove it’s blood?
Very simple. Law will use his proper abilities and not rocks and guess what will happen...
The B list supernovas didnt come up on the dome.
You understand that Law's entire arsenal will fail? I guess not so that's why you are not sure how you are jumping the gun?
No i dnt realize this literally at all. So no real explanation to what I was even saying? Anyway b list novas still have to worry about scales. 2 A list novas are already pass that stage
I knew that Zoro's fanboys would compare Law's attack with Pica's shitty punches.
But Law's takt power is telekinetic, go open a physics book, read about mechanics and about concepts of kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy.
The acceleration of a gravitational power here is totally different, Law's attack was literally superior to Luffy's KG using haki
Bitch pls Pica's golem punches where by no means shitty, dude was trowing a mountain in your head with a punch. Law's need to start some city level mountains around to be compared to Pica when it comes to trowing rocks at people. He has a sword, swing that shit!

Telecnetic or not, who cares? at the end of the day he is just trowing rocks at someone who's skin is almost impenetrable. All he and kidd managed to do was burry kaido alive and he got out of that in 0.2 seconds.
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