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One Piece Chapter 1002: Prediction

Chapter begins Outside, with Carrot/Wandas Sulong form having run its course. Perospero protected his body with a hardened Candy Wall. Carrot and Wanda could not break through it and are stuck from waist down by Perosperos Candy. Perospero said, “You think you had a chance? You’re gonna die in vein”. Yamato emerges after Momo notices/tells her they are the Minks of Zou.

Downstairs, Usopp/Nami/Tama chased by Ulti/P1. P1 Tail slams Lion Dog, the three are injured from the fall.

Brook and Robin run to BM run to Floor 3, Black Maria and several Gifters are beating Sanji senseless while he endures it. Brook and Robin are shocked, several Gifters snatch them up.

Apoo has gotten up again and starts chasing Chopper. This time the Yakuza bosses clash with him, putting him down for good. They then see the scabbards lifeless bodies and are shocked, and begin to weep. Chopper panics having to deal with the virus and the sight of the scabbards

Marco has his handful with Queen/King struggling. Drake notices. And takes initiative to help.

Upstairs Sasaki pierced his Horn through General Franky nearly impacting Franky’s Chest. General Franky is temporarily disabled.

On the 4th Floor nearby, Jinbei has beaten the rest of WsW’s crew. He is panting. WsW said this its his chance to kill Jinbei since he’s whittled down from sneaking cat attacks.

The Narrator says, the situation looks dire.

We head over to the top again. Kaido and Big Mom in unison say to defeat them they’d need the devils Luck. Their armies are enormous, superior, and are built for warfare. Nothing to compare with the samurai/mink/pirate alliances flimsy fighters.

Luffy scoffs telling them they are here bearing the burdens of Kozuki Oden, the land of Wano, the will to fight, and for his friend Momonosuke; Kaido and Big Mom are just pebbles in his path.

Over the horizon, the silhouette of Wano Kuni emerges. The aerial vision then shifts to Onigashima pointed downwards like a meteor about to make its crash landing.

Curtains on Act 3
Seems cool
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