Hello all. Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year WorstGen! My birthday was good - couldn't complain about it. That aside, it's been 7 months since we've last seen Drake in the manga where he was recovering from. He's back with his fellows, but is he truly back in the Marines? Whose to say ... But if sunday comes and goes, it'll be 8 months.. Cant wait to see where he pops up next... !
As far as Drake’s thoughts on Garp and his imprisonment go, I can’t help but wonder if Drake feels responsible to some degree for the fate that befell his superior ( who is incredibly close to Sengoku, his Father Figure ) due to being Koby’s superior. Like, even though it was Garp’s choice to help rescue Koby, Koby is apart of his team, same with Grus and co even with being grateful for Garp ultimately succeeding.
I hope we get some answers on Drake soon in the coming chapters about how he got off Onigashima and his thoughts on the situation with Koby’s capture, Kuzan vs Garp on the account of Koby, Garp’s capture (and marines general thoughts too on this), and VP’s message.
I haven't been in here a while since I've been enjoying OP without checking in on the spoilers. In other news, I'm still here waiting to see Drake show more of what he's got now that he's confirmed ok. Out of all the Worst Generation, he still ties with Urouge for being just weirdly not shown off as far as powers / abilities.
I'm catching up on the episodes Drake was featured in in the anime, and they censored his neck wound?? I feel like that really takes away from how much the actual war took a toll on him, but I guess that was too much for the kid viewers?? It's a bit disappointing.
Since his last appearance in Chapter 1052, Drake has been sprinkled into recent chapters such as 1080 and now 1100. I wonder when we'll see him again.... And yet the status is still unknown. Interesting.
A couple more episodes and Wano is coming to a close, huh? It’s hard to say how many more, but its been cool seeing the manga come to life in the form of the anime.
So, Kid and Law are defeated. Smoker may be on his own sort of mission at this point… and no sign of Drake despite all that’s going down with his fellow Sword members… which is known to the Upper Echelons of the Marines at least?? - well, former, in Kuzan’s case apparently. And Law is separated from his crew … again. It’s cool to see Garp, but I’m mostly interested in seeing Drake again tbh.
If Drake do get an Awakening, I think he would be in the top tier range or close to it as he will be one of the future Admirals. Lucci got significantly improved over two years and Awakening also boosted that. Since Drake is an Ancient Zoan, I expected the Awakening boost will be greater than Lucci's. What do you think?
She may have been a Marine at heart, but she was a Supernova for sure. Definitely gone too soon, and when I consider the loss I faced earlier this year, it hits the heart.
If the manga chapters continue in the anime around the same pace, hopefully, we will see Drake back in the anime around Episode 1050 at the earliest or so.
With Law now in a fight against Blackbeard and X Drake’s status still unknown, I guess any further interesting interaction between them is up in the air. It’s a bit disappointing on top of the list of things I’d still like to see from Drake.
Now that the latest chapter is officially out, I can finally say that I hope that with X. Drake’s mention he finally returns to the main story to be redeemed (and possibly show off an actual move set). I don’t think there are many others from Wano that deserve it more IMO.
The chapters have been pretty interesting, but still don't understand what was the point of Drake stating he was going to repay Luffy/help out and he's literally the only ally yet to pull his weight and come out with the win. The arc is not over, but as a fan, it's disappointing and his status is still unknown for now. Geez.
I haven't been speaking on the latest chapters much, but it's interesting that Zoan fruits have a will of their own, but on the other hand, it also just makes sense.
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I'm really glad he's still alive too, I wanna see him team up with Koby, Smoker, Fujitora, maybe even Kizaru ironically in future (which would be hilarious after Sabaody and that legendary Oscars meme of them both "acting").
I strongly believe he will be awakened now too. I believe awakenings come from absolutely near death experiences.