Recent content by Ashigara Dokkoi

  1. Ashigara Dokkoi

    General & Others For those of you who think Luffy won't fight Akainu

    The reason why luffy won’t fight akainu is pretty simple, he is simply too strong. Akainu isn’t significantly stronger than the other admirals, doesn’t make sense for luffy to fight an opponent equal to sanj’s and zoro’s opponents. Sabo has the same reasons if not more to fight akainu.
  2. Ashigara Dokkoi

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1044 Spoilers Discussion

    lmao what’s that list? Hahahahahaha you forgot “/s”
  3. Ashigara Dokkoi

    Character Discussion Luffy & Zoro Parallels All Throughout One Piece

    Lmaoo people here reading zoro piece. Helpless.
  4. Ashigara Dokkoi

    General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

    Cause luffy after wano will be the closest one to laugh tale since he will only miss 1 RPG. Luffy is also way stronger than them and he will get the credit for the raid
  5. Ashigara Dokkoi

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1038 Spoilers Discussion

    yamato has aCoC but she can’t split the sky. Your mistake is assuming as if aCoC is the same for everyone while kaido in first place then the manga told us there are different levels of that power. On top of that that’s luffy’s speciality.
  6. Ashigara Dokkoi

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1038 Spoilers Discussion

    The time to come for He’s on the level of WCI luffy then? It’s useless bringing up stuff from 200ch ago. Luffy is fighting the strongest in a 1v1, zoro just fought his commander. After king there are tons of things he can do and still not be in that tier. Starting from the fact that CoC is...
  7. Ashigara Dokkoi

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1038 Spoilers Discussion

    Winning against a 1YC doesn’t put him on par with luffy. He isn’t back in the mix. No one mentioned sanji.
  8. Ashigara Dokkoi

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1038 Spoilers Discussion

    As i stated before we are talking about what’s happening now. Until zoro/kidd split the sky or fight on par with a yonko in a 1v1 there is no way they can be on par with luffy
  9. Ashigara Dokkoi

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1038 Spoilers Discussion

    Luffy splitting the sky and fighting on par with kaido, kidd is with law and still losing, zoro was fighting a 1YC. ThEy HaVe BeEn PoRtRaYeD aS eQuAlS… 20y ago ffs