BangOO🍅 Nov 4, 2020 This pic is avy-worthy 😎
Jew D. Boy Oct 2, 2020 What in the actual fuck ..i guess You can see the girl Changed imediately. Sep 19, 2020
K!NG HARA$H!MA Sep 20, 2020 It's not OC lol, She's in Manga. Just a irrelevant background Fodder. She was the one against Mugiwara's alliance
It's not OC lol, She's in Manga. Just a irrelevant background Fodder. She was the one against Mugiwara's alliance
Finalbeta Sep 18, 2020 Have you changed your King tag again? :O This is the best I ever came across through my years of OP boards browsing ~
Have you changed your King tag again? :O This is the best I ever came across through my years of OP boards browsing ~
@Midnight Delight never 2.0
@Bounty full of bugs. My game crashed a lot during gaming sessions. The main story is a bit confusing but the end is amazing. I like it more then Odyssee because the open world on Odysee was a bit too much.