Cream filled donut7 May 19, 2023 Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (セキロ:シャドウズ ダイ トゥワイス)" will not be in CGI. @Elder Lee Hung @Jaguark101 @TheKnightOfTheSea The studio has done overall good work. Thank God, it's not MAPPA. We don't know if they will announce during the PlayStation Showcase, the « 24 » was not referring to that.
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (セキロ:シャドウズ ダイ トゥワイス)" will not be in CGI. @Elder Lee Hung @Jaguark101 @TheKnightOfTheSea The studio has done overall good work. Thank God, it's not MAPPA. We don't know if they will announce during the PlayStation Showcase, the « 24 » was not referring to that.
Cream filled donut7 May 18, 2023 Sheffield Wednesday vs Peterborough is one the greatest play off games ive ever fucking seen Peterborough won 4-0 on the first aggregate Sheffield Wednesday then got it to 4-4 last minute of full time Peterborough then scored in extra time in the first half Sheffield Wednesday then scored in extra time in the second half 5-5 penalties Sheffield Wednesday : ✅✅✅✅✅ Peterborough: ✅❌✅✅ Sheffield Wednesday won
Sheffield Wednesday vs Peterborough is one the greatest play off games ive ever fucking seen Peterborough won 4-0 on the first aggregate Sheffield Wednesday then got it to 4-4 last minute of full time Peterborough then scored in extra time in the first half Sheffield Wednesday then scored in extra time in the second half 5-5 penalties Sheffield Wednesday : ✅✅✅✅✅ Peterborough: ✅❌✅✅ Sheffield Wednesday won
Cream filled donut7 May 18, 2023 according to oecuf: VIDEO GAME "Sekiro : Shadows Die Twice (セキロ:シャドウズ ダイ トゥワイス)" Anime Announcement Soon! It's produced by a Japanese studio of course.
according to oecuf: VIDEO GAME "Sekiro : Shadows Die Twice (セキロ:シャドウズ ダイ トゥワイス)" Anime Announcement Soon! It's produced by a Japanese studio of course.
Cream filled donut7 May 18, 2023 according to Drumz, it is best to temper expectations for 1062 seemingly
Cream filled donut7 May 12, 2023 finished high school / college today on study leave now for exams coming up
Cream filled donut7 May 12, 2023 BTW was so good 9/10 (Noel best girl) Season 2 announcement soon 👀 same studio as well
Cream filled donut7 May 11, 2023 nahhhhhhhh if ur playing TOTK soon, play it with the JP VAs instead of the English, so much better imo
nahhhhhhhh if ur playing TOTK soon, play it with the JP VAs instead of the English, so much better imo
Cream filled donut7 May 11, 2023 nvm theres no OP or G5 news in July, looks like sumth else OP related
Cream filled donut7 May 10, 2023 OP scans quality is MUCH better than TCB for this chapter imo, not sure for abt the translation but check it out for yourself i guess
OP scans quality is MUCH better than TCB for this chapter imo, not sure for abt the translation but check it out for yourself i guess
Cream filled donut7 May 7, 2023 Next ONE PIECE manga schedule after Chapter 1082: Chapter 1083 Chapter 1084 Oda break Chapter 1085
Cream filled donut7 May 7, 2023 this site has been really slow today, making yt and twitch lag like crazy while i have it open