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  • One Piece Cafe Review: Luffy's Meat Box - Chicken Pop was good, Skewers were good, Meat on the bone was bland, sausage was plastic tasting. The All Blue Mocktail was to die for. I have not cut and tried my Devil Fruit Cake yet, it's in the fridge. Franky's fries were good. They were sold out of burgers. Merchandise was cool but prices were highway robbery.
    Imagine if the next chapter Oda finally shows the Baratie reacting and the name of the Kingdom is dropped as All Blue
    I like that
    Why name of the kingdom as all blue?

    It's not sin to mention All blue but to talk about AK
    Storybooks and fairytales are the best way to avoid something purged from history. Change it just enough that it's not the original story, and it's not a threat so it's left alone. ENDLESS VEARTH, <-> ALL BLUE. A kingdom that joins the seas, and let's all people in. Changed to a legend about sea food and passed along so the name isn't lost to time.
    Side note, for theories.. Instead of insulting the theorist by calling them stupid or idiot. Can people just disagree and say their dislikes of the content alone? A lot of time, effort, and research goes into writing theories and typically they're not a troll but something the theorist found interesting and wanted to share with others....
    Destroyed my mood for the week. Then people wonder why some Sanji fans want nothing to do with Zoro or provide anything to the fandom for him.
    No point in giving it too much thought. Its the internet, you cant really control it. There will be trolls, toxic buds and all sort of users. No need to have your mood spoiled due to some stranger's comments.
    Just ignore the haters and write what you enjoy writing. There‘s always gonna be people who disagree or hate on somebody else‘s content. What matters is what you like and enjoy and if you‘re proud of a theory be proud of it and hold your head high. Most of those buffoons who hate on content couldn’t even craft something like that themselves.
    Upgraded my new laptop to 64GB RAM, now I can do fancier editing for AMVs.
    Bisoromi Bear
    Bisoromi Bear
    What laptop do you use?
    I ordered a Nitro 5, but Amazon fucked up and sent me a Nitro 16 (I'm not complaining.) So now It is a Nitro 16 with an i7-13620H, 64GB RAM, RTX 4050, and 1TB SSD.
    So... I drew another SaNami artwork, my best yet. But it was for a Zine/Fanbook they're publishing and I just learned there's a 1-year exclusivity thing so I can't post it or show it to anyone. That kind of sucks.
    Playing One Piece Odyssey for the last week: Game Nami tried to force Zoro into my team against Crocodile, which I disagreed with so I wasted 2 turns swapping Sanji and Chopper back in from Zoro and Usopp. I hate when they railroad you. Luffy, Sanji, Nami, and Chopper are my team. End of story.
    I obtained money but can only go for one game: Do I buy One Piece Odyssey, Palworld, or Talos 2?
    Dude, if you make a server or group chat for a specific ship, with a rule that says 'no talking about other ships for those people' don't then go 'oh but polycules are fine.' That is purely false advertisement and just giving a loophole around the rule in the first place. Just had this happen in a server and I'm just like 'wtf.'
    Trash. Basically, some web of relationships with each other. I was in a SaNami server that had the rule not to talk about other ships with Sanji or Nami, to avoid fighting. But then months later, some morons joined and asked about threesomes, and now apprently although ZoSani is a no, SaNamiZo is fine in their book. Literally making it a loophole.
    Join server to get away from ZoSsan in the niche ship I like, and now it's STILL ZoSan with Nami as a side to make it 'allowed.' Fucking hell.
    shippers are wild
    The constant slander just gets tiring. I was supposed to be finishing a SaNami fanart I'm late on turning in to a gift exchange, but after reading all the slander here and Twitter from the moment spoilers started releasing, my mood for doing anything at all tonight just went to nil. Zzzzzz
    How did Enel get passed the escape velocity? That ark of his wasn't nearly fast enough.
    Op moon is clearly still in the atmosphere. As evidenced by enel being alive and breathing in the damn moon. So, op earth atmosphere is really fucking huge. So there's no need for escape velocity to reach the moon.

    -Odas grandpa's cousin.
    Bisoromi Bear
    Bisoromi Bear
    who needs oxygen when have Haki?
    Next Sunday the 17th and the official end of break week will be the start of Saturnalia and Saturday the 23rd right before the official release of 1102 on Sunday will be the end of Saturnalia.

    I see what you did Oda. Will 1102 finally be the fight with Saturn?
    Ugh... What's better? Copying my Twitter theory over word per word, image per image including where I had to keep things short for text limits.. Copying and editing it to flow better without the text-limit barrier. Or taking longer and just making it a freakin' power point slides at this point?
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