mugiwalaw Nov 9, 2021 consider the ban as your rehabilitation and hope it would cure your delusional desease, so dont forget to take your medecine lmao
consider the ban as your rehabilitation and hope it would cure your delusional desease, so dont forget to take your medecine lmao
m0nst3Rx Nov 5, 2021 who ever ban me from the chapter discussion showing real toxicty. Not even a Fair reason probbaly by a Sanjitard
who ever ban me from the chapter discussion showing real toxicty. Not even a Fair reason probbaly by a Sanjitard
S S Shisui Oct 23, 2021 "Don't speak ill of Luffy" loool - WG Mods
"Don't speak ill of Luffy" loool - WG Mods
m0nst3Rx Sep 13, 2021 Luffy,Yamato,Momo 3 vs 1 Dragon Kaido that Zoro alone mid diffed and Made him dodge along side with bigmom (2 yonko) like a Little Bitch, make sense why oda had to nerf Zoro and put him in the Live floor lmfao
Luffy,Yamato,Momo 3 vs 1 Dragon Kaido that Zoro alone mid diffed and Made him dodge along side with bigmom (2 yonko) like a Little Bitch, make sense why oda had to nerf Zoro and put him in the Live floor lmfao