Recent content by Midnight Delight

  1. Midnight Delight


  2. Midnight Delight

    Tac won't listen to me Can I get banned for a year, i don't want to be distracted

    Tac won't listen to me Can I get banned for a year, i don't want to be distracted
  3. Midnight Delight

    General & Others JJK Top 25

    Toji wouldn't attack Sukuna without preparing dozens of stuff for it
  4. Midnight Delight

    General & Others Grade 1 sorcerors ranking

    Nanami probably beats Ogi and Toji's Brother with Overtime, Maki was able to contend with Ogi a bit before Mai sacrificed herself
  5. Midnight Delight


  6. Midnight Delight

    JJK 253 Spoilers

    Me too Failed semester 😭
  7. Midnight Delight

    You're amazigh....

    You're amazigh....
  8. Midnight Delight

    I hate Maghreb dialect

    I hate Maghreb dialect
  9. Midnight Delight

    @TheAncientCenturion can you give me a 6 month ban

    @TheAncientCenturion can you give me a 6 month ban
  10. Midnight Delight

    When a clown moves in a palace, he doesn't become a king, the Palace becomes the circus

    When a clown moves in a palace, he doesn't become a king, the Palace becomes the circus
  11. Midnight Delight

    How bad can I possibly be

    How bad can I possibly be