Sunita Jun 16, 2020 Everyone, look this dude 🤣🤣🤣 Lmao 😅🤣
Everyone, look this dude 🤣🤣🤣 Lmao 😅🤣
Jew D. Boy Jun 15, 2020 It’s Always Sunita in WorstGen! (Terrible pun) Hope all is well with you, and that things are getting better for you every day! (Sincere wish)
It’s Always Sunita in WorstGen! (Terrible pun) Hope all is well with you, and that things are getting better for you every day! (Sincere wish)
Sunita Jun 15, 2020 It's night, I need to sleep and my mind has this song stuck lmao
Light D Lamperouge Jun 9, 2020 Yo Sunita. What's up?
Yo Sunita. What's up?
Finalbeta Jun 3, 2020 It's nice to see you around every now and then! Are you still hella busy IRL? I'm sadly still undertaking uni exams and the Corona crysis even slowed the process down.
It's nice to see you around every now and then! Are you still hella busy IRL? I'm sadly still undertaking uni exams and the Corona crysis even slowed the process down.
Still awake, because it's raining hard here. I'm not complaining (although of course, I'm worried about the people affected by the rain), because my country is drought and fortunately it has rained more often this month (it is not every day, but it rains every week and in greater quantity!).