Recent content by Thaidakar

  1. Thaidakar

    Ifrit Jambe of Likes

    Ifrit Jambe of Likes
  2. Thaidakar

    Powers & Abilities Your favorite Haki lightning color

    Don't really care about the colors as they're quite arbitrary but Garp's animations were really fun to watch
  3. Thaidakar

    Chapter Discussion ONE PIECE CHAPTER 1142 : THE THINGS I FEAR

    > no ulti > superficial Loki scenes > conveniently fitting abilities of HK > no Gaban reaction > break next week Classic one star bum chapter :Ryo_Think:
  4. Thaidakar

    Future Events It will return…

    Grim reaper visits Ryuuma's grave in oda's forgotten things depository :josad:
  5. Thaidakar

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1142 Spoilers Discussion

    Luffy shocked Zoro bored Sanji LIGHTS OUT :kobeha::kobeha::kobeha:
  6. Thaidakar

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1142 Spoilers Discussion

    OMG zoro looks so shocked :HekiOver:
  7. Thaidakar

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1142 Spoilers Discussion

    ULTIma Weapon > Lake L > WsW > Page the oneshot > Dead by laser guy > spider girl
  8. Thaidakar

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1142 Spoilers Discussion

    Roronoa, what is your biggest fear?
  9. Thaidakar

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1142 Spoilers Discussion

    Bro really snuck kid in there :risisure:
  10. Thaidakar

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1142 Spoilers Discussion

    Lucci would eat 3 sanjis alive mate
  11. Thaidakar

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1142 Spoilers Discussion

    Wait long enough and zoro bros and zoro haters start fighting. Let's not pretend there are ANY sanji fans here. They only hate Zoro and pick the easiest attempt to fuck with him. Despite Oda making things clear in every opportunity he gets. People just can't stand those on the top.
  12. Thaidakar

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1142 Spoilers Discussion

    He swings that lightweight like a conductor swings his baton
  13. Thaidakar

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1142 Spoilers Discussion

    How hard can it be to take a pic and post it :Karin_Shock: With our luck we'll only get bum black nika panel and fool scan only on Friday :HekiOver:
  14. Thaidakar

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1142 Spoilers Discussion

    Considering his height it's basically a regular adult wrecking a kids playground at Mc Donalds