Recent content by TheAncientCenturion

  1. TheAncientCenturion

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1144 Spoilers Discussion

    Sasuke solos your fave
  2. TheAncientCenturion

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1144 Spoilers Discussion

    I will close this thread I swear to Christ :Haku_Shovel:
  3. TheAncientCenturion

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1144 Spoilers Discussion

    No soccer talk here, you can either complain about Wano or discuss Naruto
  4. TheAncientCenturion

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1144 Spoilers Discussion

    Why is this arc so boring
  5. TheAncientCenturion

    Character Discussion Do Mihawk fans actually want him to be a Celestial Dragon?

    Would be lame unless Oda adds a hook to it. Shanks being a CD is already a whatever, Mihawk would kill anything special about being a pirate-CD.
  6. TheAncientCenturion

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1144 Spoilers Discussion

    Oda can wait until the final war though, right… right?
  7. TheAncientCenturion

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1144 Spoilers Discussion

    The only thing giving me a tiny bit of doubt is how close we are to her defeat. Oda, if nothing else, knows not to rush things. He hasn’t touched the Grand Fleet as a collective since Dressrosa. I’m hoping he knows he can’t bust Linlin out 100 chapters after her defeat. That’s too soon.
  8. TheAncientCenturion

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1144 Spoilers Discussion

    Oda hates us so I’m not committing to that answer.
  9. TheAncientCenturion

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1144 Spoilers Discussion

    My nightmare would be Linlin coming back and smacking the Holy Knights around like she did Queen. I think I’d legitimately snap at that point
  10. TheAncientCenturion

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1144 Spoilers Discussion

    Tbh I can’t tell if it was Sommers or Kilingham, as Kilingham tells Shamrock to go back to MG. But I think he’s returning. Oda is giving us Shanks vs Luffy this arc
  11. TheAncientCenturion

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1144 Spoilers Discussion

    We haven’t seen the disappointment of the group yet aka the Jabra. We’ll get there when Shamrock returns with reinforcements
  12. TheAncientCenturion

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1144 Spoilers Discussion

    the holy knights are the Akatsuki of One Piece
  13. TheAncientCenturion

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1144 Spoilers Discussion

    Yes, it’s about as clear a set up as Koby kicking Kuzan’s ass
  14. TheAncientCenturion

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1144 Spoilers Discussion

    It’s a distinct possibility. Gaban talks about love and all, Saint Sommers talks about love as a weakness to be exploited. Sounds like Gaban is about to be neg diffed