Something as simple as liking all of the posts is enough to get even my hateful ass to like you, online anyway lol. To me you seem like the nicest person on wg without even saying much lol but good on you even if I'm wrong you have a talent that I lack for making people like you online lol. I on the other hand just speak my mind fuck everyone's feelings and I may give out 1 or 3 likes a week
Just when you thought that this year couldn't get any shittier. And what's sadder is that I was here long enough to witness the death of three WG users. Shit's sad man.
I know what some of you are thinking: “Lonnie, masturbators are far too lazy to leave their masturbatoriums to actually get out and vote. They can’t hurt us.” Unfortunately, this is not true. The sad fact is that masturbators get a thrill out of engaging in their filthy little habit behind the curtains of those voting booths. After they’ve finished, they’ll simply place votes at random. How else would you expla
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I'm happy to hear that.