Recent content by Zeldris

  1. Zeldris

    Powers & Abilities King's DF was pointless

    I would's say useless, but it was underused in chapter 1035, which is a huge disappointment. I loved the brief CQC clash b/w Zoan King and Zoro. That is how flying fighters are supposed to be fighting.
  2. Zeldris

    Powers & Abilities Queen and King are such bums for this

    Are you disappointed because all commanders aren't Katakuri clones? Or is it that you think there aren't strong abilities outside advanced haki? The Calamities are confirmed haki users—all of them can use CoA and CoO at least. How do you suppose Jack fought 3 top Scabbards(all of whom can hurt...
  3. Zeldris

    Powers & Abilities Can we talk about how Katakuri is 48 years old and can't use AdCoC?

    Katakuri hasn't mastered adv.CoC for the same reason why Kaido and Big Mom don't have adv.CoA and adv.CoO.
  4. Zeldris

    Speculations The Straw Hat Pirates now parallel the core/top 10 members of a Yonko crew

    I hope Orochi is alive. He deserved a more dramatic ending. I didn't want him to be killed but Zoro/Kyoshiro killing him would've been more satisfying.
  5. Zeldris

    Questions & Mysteries Why was Ace's bounty so low?

    Bounties are decided based on how much of a threat the WG sees one to be, not based on public opinion. Even if they make things oblivious to the public, The WG still knows truth and hence can't ignore the threat a bounty head posses while deciding upon his bounty.
  6. Zeldris

    General & Others Damage control

    ISDS is indeed much stronger than G3, though I don't agree with what the other guy says barly above low difficulty.
  7. Zeldris

    General & Others List of Plot Points that need to be addressed before One Piece ends (and why OP will NOT end in 5 years)!!!!

    These are a few I am currently interested in... Luffy's family and Dragon's past which made him what he is today. The fate of Rev's Crocodile's past and his connection with Iva. Vivi and her Kingdoms fate. The changed that'll unfold in the world because of Luffy. Coby and his future. Pasts of...