Powers & Abilities King's DF was pointless

I would's say useless, but it was underused in chapter 1035, which is a huge disappointment. I loved the brief CQC clash b/w Zoan King and Zoro. That is how flying fighters are supposed to be fighting.


Lazy is the way
His Zoan wasn’t used as much I would have liked

King can fly, can send fire, can use sword, and has speed and durability thanks to his race

The whole fight could have been written without a DF at all.

King DF is maybe useful : more speed maybe, more strength in hybrid and stronger slash, pseudo Zoan règen.

But King used really his DF when he propelled Zoro out of the skull in hybrid and when he used the wing slash.

Outside of that and the beak attack that DF was underused.

Why King didn’t use hybrid when he speed up to hit Zoro for exemple ?

Why he didn’t use again the imperial archer ?

Thé Zoan was a boost but it wasn’t used as I would have liked


I will never forgive Oda
His hybrid seems situational. As in, he uses to to overwhelm opponents in an open area and throttle them with attacks. The two or three times we saw it, that's what Alber did to Zoro before going into either zoan or base to use specific abilities.

I'm actually a fan of this. Most zoans rely on their hybrid to be powerful but Alber is powerful despite all this. Any form he's in is a threat.
all zoan fruits became useless in wano except the mythological, normal and ancient now give the user just a new look and no boost.
king still got the best of the beast pirates because his fruit let him fly.
and this stupid shit marco and king do transforming parts of the body instead of entering the full hybrid form ruined what was cool about zoan. we never got to see king real hybrid and i am doubting we will see marco.
i will hope king can still fight in the next chapter and show his hybrid but i know the fight is over already.
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King can fly, can send fire, can use sword, and has speed and durability thanks to his face.
i do not think he can fly without the df. every time he needed to fly he changed to animal form like in the end of chapter 1035 he changes just to fly and then change back to human and attack. zoro mentioned that he did not see king using his normal wings to fly so they probably do not do that
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zoro vs king>>>>>>zolo vs L1
Zoro really went to his limit with Mr 1. The only fight in One Piece that was near that was Luffy vs Lucci.
Zoro vs King was mid diff while Zoro vs Mr 1 was the highest extreme diff.
King went back and forth between his DF and his race powers, depending on whether he needed offense, defense, mobility, or speed. Nothing wrong with that

The most useless things were those bullets from King's wings, on the same tier as Queen's lasers :kobeha: