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@Tyki_Mikk showed me this earlier.

I find it interesting Morj is really sticking to the idea. This was something I thought would happen once all F6 were down, but then it never came and he moved onto Jack, so I let it go months ago.

Idk, he makes a solid argument with the past topics on what Awakening Zoan is and what it's set up for, but it would pretty crazy if Oda made everyone get up after King.

First and foremost I hope Sanji finishes a decent fight, and Zoro closes it out. If by some miraculous chance Oda then has all 8 BPs get up to fight even more, I will NOT complain in the slightest, especially since characters like Usopp/Chopper/Brook need more substance this arc and Franky/Jinbe weren't even pushed at all to an extreme.

Not counting on it, but its a cool thing to think about
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