General & Others This aged like Milk

True. You cant make a battle like this without someone important dying. But it seems this is the road we're going towards. But also,lets remember that in Marineford,at some point Oda trolled us making us believe that Ace was safe and we were going to lose only Whitebeard who was ready to sacrifice himself,then suddendly Ace's death happened. There could be a similar trick here too. We'll see.
Wano definitely doesn't feel as intense as Marineford that's for sure. Just asspulls, Oden spamming, and characters that should be dead still being alive. (Kinemon, Kiku) And we all know the island isnt crashing into the Flower Capital because Oda doesn't take those kinds of risks. The anime should be better than the manga at least with all the fights coming up. Zoro vs King and the rooftop battle will probably get movie like animation.
The implication would be that in the initial 35k, some would have died. Named characters... if Asura Doji doesn't get back up then this is already a much greater war than we've seen, where Alabasta had a million fighters and not even Pell died on the named character front

Seriously, that was twenty years ago so that has to inform your expectations.
Fodder throw away red bean soup that Tama can't afford > Luffy overkill him
X-Drake destroys Tama's old village > Luffy accepts him at alliance
Kaido the boss responsible for Tama's life beinn a shit, killed Oden and is the whole reason why Scabbards wants revenge > Luffy I'm enjoy this fight let's be friends.
I dont think they were talking about Wano but let's be honest, Alabasta is better than Wano.

The execution of Wanos war doesn't give me hope for the final war if it'll involve even more characters.

Oda chose to write it this way and he's been struggling with a large cast of characters since Dressrosa.
I don't think it was Wano but it's true that Wano and its war suck, and it makes me very worried about what will happen with the Final War teased so much by Whitebeard and by Oda.

What greatest War?Wano looks like a Kindergarten and not like a War.No deaths,no tension,nothing at all​
Amazing fights,nice plots but TERRIBLE lack of balls from oda,man was creating
one of the greatest stories ever and instead of realising it and going balls deep he said "nah ill throw away every possibility of giving it the appropriate adult vibe of the endgame situation".

Oda sacrificed what couldve been one of the greatest manga arcs to the shrine of 4kids