Speculations What will happen to the marines?

I think most of us can agree that the marines are gonna see a big change with them being part of the world government. Also the fact the other 2 great powers also being changed.

There's already innertermoil within the marines. Most of which involve with people having problems with akainu lol

I think by eos all the current admirals will retired. Even akainu cause even tho hes definitely an ass and kinda a piece of shit hes not a bad bad guy. He is but in his head it comes from a good place.
Kizaru will probably retire too but i don't know why he would

I can see kuzan becoming the next admiral
With the admiral candidates being imo
  1. Smoker
  2. Drake
  3. Sabo
  4. Hina
  5. Tokikake
  6. Gion
Akainu and Kizaru will be in Impel Down , Fujitora or Aokiji will be FA , 3 Admirals will be Coby , Aokiji/Fujitora , and maybe Ryokugyu

Drake will be one of strongest VAs

Smoker will either be one of strongest VAs or an Admiral


I will never forgive Oda
The only former Admiral who has a shot at being in a new era marines is Fujitora (Greenbull is excluded since we know 0 about him). Kuzan, Borsalino and Sakazuki were fine for a decade doing the dirty work of the Tenryuubito. Kuzan being friendlier than the other two doesn't mean he's a good leader for a reformed Navy.

Koby is an Admiral 100%, Helmeppo is probably going to be a VA alongside Tashigi. Smoker could either be the Fleet Admiral or just an Admiral, could go either way. X Drake, if he sticks around and joins the Navy officially, is probably going to be an Admiral. Hina would be too random, and the Admiral candidates don't matter.
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Law Nerd
Tbh i dont think she has a chance i just wanted to say her name and forgot all about koby
A female admiral who be pretty cool
I guess female admiral won't happen. So many have already been introduced xd

Imagine the final war and the opposition has already got to destroy 4 admirals right now lol


Kitetsu Wanker
I think Fujitora might replace Kong's position.
Aokiji if he survives until the end could be FA.
Admirals could be Smoker, Coby and Drake if he survives.
I hope Hina gets some significant role, a replacement for Tsuru.

Garp the Fist

Sakazuki gets chucked in ID for being a genocidal loonball.

Admirals are Kuzan, Fuji, Ryo and Coby. That’s all the ones who are against the current system. FA is probably Kuzan.

Kizaru I really don't see as a bad guy so far. He's went after pirates, but he's never been excessive or cruel. All he's done is his job. He has stayed on the WG side and probably won't go against them, but I wouldn't say he deserves chucked in ID.

Smoker does a Garp and refuses promotion. The other of the current lot stick at VA as well, but aren't as strong as Smoker or Coby. Drake's closer to them than he is to the other lot though.
They are going to get their asses kicked, and be replaced by guys who would still get their asses kicked but would know their place.

They'll keep protecting the common people against pirates but without taking orders form the celestial scumbags.

For the fleet admiral position, I can see fujitora or aokiji.
For the candidates for the admiral positions, obviously smoker and koby and if they don't recruit then a bunch of fodders I guess.
, there will be more than 5 faction whose leader >= yc1.
FA - Fujitora
Admiral -Tokikake, Gion, Smoker, Coby

Kuzan is still a vagabond on Z's New Navy - take care Underworld Broker
X-Drake - Navy Install a Shanks type as the other Famous Pirate in the new world, balancing from pirate side.


The Road To Harmony
Excluding character fates, the Marines will remain, but reformed for the better. One of the run on plotpoints of the series is how the idea of "justice" has been blurring. How Marine conducts are becoming increasingly more corrupt. Morally conscious Marines are noticing the change, especially after Sakazuki took over. Are they just there to serve the WG? Is the WG's idea of "justice" the only kind of justice?

It's these things that will be addressed. And the results will be the Marines becoming a more autonomous organization.
Smoker= admiral white snake
(he used an attack called "white snake" back in alabasta)

Drake= admiral black dragon
(he has a model of the Ryu Ryu no mi)

Coby= admiral gray horse
(the color scheme is black, white, gray; the horse is right next to snake and dragon in the zodiac)
Akainu is probably a result of the Great Pirate era akin someone like Z for example.

Kuzan new fleet admiral, Fuji gonna stay, Greenbull we will have to see his personality, i feel Smoker is gonna stay VA similar to Garp, Coby Admiral in the epilogue


Law Nerd
Akainu is probably a result of the Great Pirate era akin someone like Z for example.

Kuzan new fleet admiral, Fuji gonna stay, Greenbull we will have to see his personality, i feel Smoker is gonna stay VA similar to Garp, Coby Admiral in the epilogue
Well Absolute Justice seems to be destined to fall in EoS but I wonder how those guys will put Kizaru down for good lol

Not even an ancient weapon could suffice given how versatile he is
Fujitora and Ryokugyu will remain admirals.

Fujitora is going to be the new Fleet Admiral and Ryokugyu is holding his position, that's what I've been thinking for a long time now.

We already know how Fujitora's operating against the government, and in an sbs during Dressrosa Oda basically confirmed that Ryokugyu also dislikes the Government and could possibly have his own agenda against them.

- Akainu wil obviously be defeated and forced out of his position. As for Kizaru, he retires.

Kizaru is not corrupt nor bad. He's simply being an admiral following orders.

In the end we'll have another 2 admiral spots open. One's obviously left for Koby while the other could be Smoker, Sentomaru etc.
Whatever works for you.