Future Events Could Law be the one who takes out Mihawk?

What if Elbaf parallels wano, with the captain trio taking out the next batch of yonko.

Luffy takes out Teach

Kid takes out Shanks

Law takes out Mihawk

The captain trio defeats the final batch of yonko, and basically destroys the system as directly after this, Luffy will become PK and declare war on the WG.
It would probably make a lot of Zoro fans upset, as Zoro was always the one theorized to take out Mihawk, however I feel like Oda might have other plans for Zoro.

Zoro always takes out the main villain's right hand man. Oda almost never deviates from this formula. As such, Zoro vs Mihawk just doesn't make sense as Mihawk isn't the right hand man of anybody who will rival Luffy.

However, Zoro doesn't need to win the title from Mihawk directly. The final matchup for the SHs is almost guaranteed to be Imu vs Luffy and Zoro vs Gandhi gorosei. Luffy vs Imu will almost certainly tie into Luffy's true dream. Given how Oda often parallels Luffy and Zoro, I think it makes a lot of sense if the gandhi gorosei became the WSSM and that's how Zoro got the title.

Basically the title would go like this:
Mihawk-->Law--->Gandhi Gorosei--->Zoro

And I honestly see nothing wrong with this. Mihawk is the co-captain of Cross Guild, along with Crocodile. Cross Guild is a yonko crew. Therefore, while Zoro's dream is to be WSSM, Mihawk as an opponent is more comparable to the people Law faces than the people usually matched up with Zoro.

However, the gandhi gorosei, as Imu's subordinate, is fully within Zoro's range. In fact, if Gandhi wasn't the WSSM, this fight would simply not have the weight it otherwise would.

In any case, I think that the Captain Trio vs Yonko matchup has a lot of backing to it. It is in line with how Oda set up wano's matchups and Oda simply rarely deviates from his formulas. Luffy vs Teach is set in stone. Kid vs Shanks is already happening and once Kid inevitably loses, there's no reason he won't get stronger and seek revenge during the elbaf arc. Lastly, Law and Mihawk are both former shichibukai and swordsmen. Oda heavily parallels Kid and Law. if Kid takes out Shanks, Law will probably beat Shanks's rival, Mihawk.

Zoro will fight Shiryu in elbaf. Then in the final war, he will accomplish his dream alongside Luffy by defeating the Gandhi Gorosei, who will probably steal the WSSM title from Law.
What if Elbaf parallels wano, with the captain trio taking out the next batch of yonko.

Luffy takes out Teach

Kid takes out Shanks

Law takes out Mihawk

The captain trio defeats the final batch of yonko, and basically destroys the system as directly after this, Luffy will become PK and declare war on the WG.
It would probably make a lot of Zoro fans upset, as Zoro was always the one theorized to take out Mihawk, however I feel like Oda might have other plans for Zoro.

Zoro always takes out the main villain's right hand man. Oda almost never deviates from this formula. As such, Zoro vs Mihawk just doesn't make sense as Mihawk isn't the right hand man of anybody who will rival Luffy.

However, Zoro doesn't need to win the title from Mihawk directly. The final matchup for the SHs is almost guaranteed to be Imu vs Luffy and Zoro vs Gandhi gorosei. Luffy vs Imu will almost certainly tie into Luffy's true dream. Given how Oda often parallels Luffy and Zoro, I think it makes a lot of sense if the gandhi gorosei became the WSSM and that's how Zoro got the title.

Basically the title would go like this:
Mihawk-->Law--->Gandhi Gorosei--->Zoro

And I honestly see nothing wrong with this. Mihawk is the co-captain of Cross Guild, along with Crocodile. Cross Guild is a yonko crew. Therefore, while Zoro's dream is to be WSSM, Mihawk as an opponent is more comparable to the people Law faces than the people usually matched up with Zoro.

However, the gandhi gorosei, as Imu's subordinate, is fully within Zoro's range. In fact, if Gandhi wasn't the WSSM, this fight would simply not have the weight it otherwise would.

In any case, I think that the Captain Trio vs Yonko matchup has a lot of backing to it. It is in line with how Oda set up wano's matchups and Oda simply rarely deviates from his formulas. Luffy vs Teach is set in stone. Kid vs Shanks is already happening and once Kid inevitably loses, there's no reason he won't get stronger and seek revenge during the elbaf arc. Lastly, Law and Mihawk are both former shichibukai and swordsmen. Oda heavily parallels Kid and Law. if Kid takes out Shanks, Law will probably beat Shanks's rival, Mihawk.

Zoro will fight Shiryu in elbaf. Then in the final war, he will accomplish his dream alongside Luffy by defeating the Gandhi Gorosei, who will probably steal the WSSM title from Law.
Law needs at least 50 power ups before he can push Mihawk past pocket knife
What if Elbaf parallels wano, with the captain trio taking out the next batch of yonko.

Luffy takes out Teach

Kid takes out Shanks

Law takes out Mihawk

The captain trio defeats the final batch of yonko, and basically destroys the system as directly after this, Luffy will become PK and declare war on the WG.
It would probably make a lot of Zoro fans upset, as Zoro was always the one theorized to take out Mihawk, however I feel like Oda might have other plans for Zoro.

Zoro always takes out the main villain's right hand man. Oda almost never deviates from this formula. As such, Zoro vs Mihawk just doesn't make sense as Mihawk isn't the right hand man of anybody who will rival Luffy.

However, Zoro doesn't need to win the title from Mihawk directly. The final matchup for the SHs is almost guaranteed to be Imu vs Luffy and Zoro vs Gandhi gorosei. Luffy vs Imu will almost certainly tie into Luffy's true dream. Given how Oda often parallels Luffy and Zoro, I think it makes a lot of sense if the gandhi gorosei became the WSSM and that's how Zoro got the title.

Basically the title would go like this:
Mihawk-->Law--->Gandhi Gorosei--->Zoro

And I honestly see nothing wrong with this. Mihawk is the co-captain of Cross Guild, along with Crocodile. Cross Guild is a yonko crew. Therefore, while Zoro's dream is to be WSSM, Mihawk as an opponent is more comparable to the people Law faces than the people usually matched up with Zoro.

However, the gandhi gorosei, as Imu's subordinate, is fully within Zoro's range. In fact, if Gandhi wasn't the WSSM, this fight would simply not have the weight it otherwise would.

In any case, I think that the Captain Trio vs Yonko matchup has a lot of backing to it. It is in line with how Oda set up wano's matchups and Oda simply rarely deviates from his formulas. Luffy vs Teach is set in stone. Kid vs Shanks is already happening and once Kid inevitably loses, there's no reason he won't get stronger and seek revenge during the elbaf arc. Lastly, Law and Mihawk are both former shichibukai and swordsmen. Oda heavily parallels Kid and Law. if Kid takes out Shanks, Law will probably beat Shanks's rival, Mihawk.

Zoro will fight Shiryu in elbaf. Then in the final war, he will accomplish his dream alongside Luffy by defeating the Gandhi Gorosei, who will probably steal the WSSM title from Law.
Why should Law waste time with a former warlord? When admirals & other top pirates exist?
SN trio are done with warlords
I think Luffy takes out Akainu next, Kid takes out Kuzan, so following from that I could see Law destroying the last of the original Admirals. On the other hand, I also expect a Sanji vs Kizaru fight.