mango ISO
Me and you both, Orwy-boy

I haven't a clue, and I'm not even gonna pretend like I am going to start comprehending it either - so I'll resign on that front and just see what's here and now

Hello Watson, my dear frenemy

Do you have any reads to share with me?

Fuji hasn't really given me much to work with
claimed fuji didn't give him much to work with?????

Memes aside, I generally think the pool of players I've interacted with so far hasn't really given me any bad vibes yet

I'm happy to see Sigis unleashing more than 1% of his power this game as well

So, so far I don't really have much in the way of scumreads

RA, Fuji, Yo Tan, Watson - I'm happy to put into town for now

Thank you, Lemon

Now, let's stop with the formalities..

Do you have any reads, impressions or other information you want to share with the world (me)?

I'd like to hear your PoV
Thank you Lord Milk!

I have my hopes out that you are standing with me in that!

Also, good to see you playing! Let's deny the Lord Milk haters their chance of mislynching you again! (Assuming you are in fact town!)

interaction with LM
I'm not sure how long is left of the phase, and I have doubts I will be here at the end of phase so I'll just vote the top wagon which seems by Charles to be Luka (or actually a 3-way tie with Luka, Emil, TAC, but Luka listed first so)

Vote Lynch Luka

Let's roll!

gunning for luka. going for the easiest wagon with luka here. see his willingness to vote TAC but not go against the grain
Oh shit, Luka's not top wagon anymore huh, I was operating under false premises then

no idea what the case is but I'll vote with y'all anyway

Vote Lynch AM
DAY 3, VC last one (?)
up to post #7,839


Emil - 11
MangoSenpai - 4​


Mr. Reloaded: CoC > Random Asshole > Unvote > Orwellian > Blue > Orwelian > Emil > Mango
Random Asshole: CoC > Blue > Mango
Naomi: Blue > Orwelian > Mango​

condensed VC with the votes on mango, will make a comparison with the vote patterns for emil's.
DAY 3, VC last one (?)
up to post #7,839


Emil - 11


Fuji V2 (Luka): (Random Asshole) > (CoC) > Red Night > Blue > Emil
Dr. Watson: CoC > Unvote > CoC > Orwelian > Orwelian > Emil
CoC: Worst > Random Asshole > Blue > Orwelian > Emil
The Orca: Red Night > CoC > Blue > Emil
Worst: CoC > Blue > CoC > Blue > Emil
Lord Melkor: CoC > Orwelian > Emil
Charlie: CoC > Orwellian > Ekko > Orwelian > Emil
Crowned WItch: Blue > Emil
Ratchet: CoC > Orwelian > Emil
Pot Goblin: Orwelian > Emil
Blue: Emil
I have two topics I want to talk about:

1. The fight between Caesar and Big Mom is still going on? Why would it take so long? Getting the feeling someone only wants to stall for time.
2. You all assume that Worst is telling us the truth about Naomi, Reloaded and Ratchet? While I'm not opposed to keep Worst around and maybe he really knows their flavour he could still be lying (or partially lying about at least one of them). We don't know his wincon and Imu is not a big friend of pirates, remember. Good thing is that Blackbeard already wants to see Worst gone, so maybe we could let Imu and Blackbeard fight it out while we aim for the BP and BMP first.