I am sure you see no issue with this.
I do suppose they should get soldiers to sign a waiver consenting to this before they go into war.

idk I find it hard for me to care. When I’m dead idc how people use my body so long as they aren’t desecrating it. If extracting my sperm to possibly create progeny for myself would make my family feel better, good for them. I literally won’t be on this planet anymore lol.
I do suppose they should get soldiers to sign a waiver consenting to this before they go into war.

idk I find it hard for me to care. When I’m dead idc how people use my body so long as they aren’t desecrating it. If extracting my sperm to possibly create progeny for myself would make my family feel better, good for them. I literally won’t be on this planet anymore lol.
That's the whole point, a child born of someone long dead, this whole process is an abomination. And if it is IVF it probably amounts to multiple abortions.
Couldn't care less about about some "fascist" movement by trump when EU is doing whatever the WEF agenda is saying to them and is actually no different.

Taxes in every consumable animal and push the worm shit to people by force..

It won't be long before they ban meat completely and make you eat cockroaches ...

Rendering majority of houses unable to be put on rent or sold by common folk because they don't have floor heating...

Over half of Trudeau's cabinet/bureau is members of WEF
I wouldn't even be surprised if Trump is a WEF patsy to push their agenda even faster.
" See guys we are better than this guy.You better follow our plan to the T. "

Kaiserreich in positivem Licht

Die Partei legt zudem Wert darauf, das Kaiserreich und Preußen in positivem Licht darzustellen. Ein entsprechender Passus wurde auf Antrag einiger Delegierter mit großer Mehrheit ins Wahlprogramm eingefügt. "Der ideologische Furor, der sich mittlerweile gegen Preußen und das Kaiserreich richtet, gilt nicht nur diesem vergangenen Staat, sondern der deutschen Nation an sich", heißt es dort. Noch heute zehre man in der Bundesrepublik von den geistigen, technologischen und wirtschaftlichen Errungenschaften des ersten deutschen Nationalstaates.
Ist das euer Ernst Leute?! @Kami Burn
Couldn't care less about about some "fascist" movement by trump when EU is doing whatever the WEF agenda is saying to them and is actually no different.

Taxes in every consumable animal and push the worm shit to people by force..

It won't be long before they ban meat completely and make you eat cockroaches ...

Rendering majority of houses unable to be put on rent or sold by common folk because they don't have floor heating...

Over half of Trudeau's cabinet/bureau is members of WEF
I wouldn't even be surprised if Trump is a WEF patsy to push their agenda even faster.
" See guys we are better than this guy.You better follow our plan to the T. "
Mealworms arent even great food items for animals.
Kann sein dass manche in der Partei so denken,kp. Das deutsche Kaiserreich der späten 1800er hatte durchaus seine Glanzzeiten bis halt Wilhelm II. übernommen hat. Sich nach vergangenem Ruhm zu sehnen ist kein urdeutsches patriotisches Denken,frag mal die Türken die sich nach Atatürk zurücksehnen. Ist halt Cope mit der heutigen Zeit -> "früher war alles besser."

Sehe jetzt nichts Verwerfliches daran,auch wenn ich diese Gedanken nicht unbedingt teile.
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