Break Week Zoro isn't the Next Rayleigh

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zoro doesnt even have coc lol. dark king is legend on his own. despite his old age and being one of most wanted man, marine doesn't even dare bugged him.
look at shichibukai. they sent force to hunt them even though we are all know rayleigh have more dangerous power and knowledge about void century and op whereabouts. also prove convicted crime by helping luffy over and over.
Luffy, the guy that can be considered a quadriplegic outside of gears? yes. definitely.
in a world where Luffy struggles vs Cracker, Zoro can cut Luffy in half with 1 move.
but zoro bleeding by mere gifters in this chapter lmao.

luffy was fight crackers and his soldiers for 11 hours. meanwhile zoro fight gifters for 1 hour.

Kaido D. Stronger

Kid, law, with king will be above zoro, oden> mihawk, oden had something to be considered above others, zoro and mihawk have nothing but a bare sword, with useless determination. Rayleigh, Shanks, Oden always had something else besides swinging a sword.
People with the king's haki are "indomitable", while mihawk is tamed by the government and new toys. If it were zoro instead of luffy, zoro would have his spirit broken like a puppet by kaido :lawbepo::lawbepo:

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Kaido D. Stronger

Take Luffy's wanted poster to your legs, apologize to the redhead for attacking Luffy, get out of the war after the redhead's arrival, the man has already become a doormat for the redhead and her incredible conqueror haki..:endthis::gokulaugh::gokulaugh:

Kaido D. Stronger

What else do they have apart from swinging a sword.
I am absolutely sure, that he has much more than the mihawk, don't make me list, every holy time I keep ignoring you, you don't have the level to debate with me.
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