JiihadBlassik, that or my personal fav. Jus post an image of Law dropping Sanji into a trashcan after he shambles Sanji away from Doffy. That mf got deleted so many times, and had Sanji fans at my neck consistently
Quality edits and memes is what the Sanji fans are lacking, now that the Zoro fans are on the defensive. Step it up @Chrono
JiihadQuality memes can turn tha tides in fan wars, if used appropriately. What they really missing is direction, they don’t have a central leader or quality enough posters that people will gravitate to, so when they troll and shit. People will look and read it lol
Uncle VanHol up....ZenZu was Toshi on NB? The Gintama guy avatar right?
Uncle VanBut y'all making me nostalgic with all this NB talk. Bout to go check my old account. Havent logged on in like 7 months lol
Uncle Van"Shioryu is Uzumaki Macho".....WHAAAAAAT!!!???
TheAncientCenturionYeah, there's no Sanji fan dedicated enough to the cause to turn the tides. They're missing their chance before Enma wipes them away.
You never knew? Yeah, that big Hidan fan. One of like, three on the forum. I'd log on but every time I do, I catch the names of old users and get nostalgic too. Some good posters who just vanished.
Uncle VanUzumaki Macho was the shit and we talked quite a bit back in the day. His posts were deadly and ruining the days of alt he dumbasses on that site. He cant be Shiroryu....he cant....
JiihadMan soon as Zoro swings that bitch, they gone be up shits creek
JiihadHawkins Nails, Yeti Cool Bros, and Fuji gravity stomp is grade A material to use
TheAncientCenturionI never really talked to Macho on straight NB lol. Our worlds never intersected.
It might actually be too late tbh. There's a glimmer of hope he gets another bad showing but I doubt it.
JiihadHe’ll probably get suplexed first round against King. And that’s tha moment for them to strike
ZenZu@Jiihad "Jus post an image of Law dropping Sanji into a trashcan after he shambles Sanji away from Doffy." Bro i claim copyright on that image. I remember creating that and posting it. Worked everytime lmao.
ZenZu@Van Vandenreich? You didnt know i was from NB lol? Man i held it down for Akainu > WB over there. One of the pioneers if i do say so myself.
Bruh what are you doing all incognito lmao. So you were Uzumaki Macho
Gol D. RogerLmao, Uzumaki Macho just made me remember Uchicha Macho.🤣
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