
Midnight Delight
Midnight Delight
Whitebeard wouldn't have let him
Uncle Van
Uncle Van
That would make WB look an idiot. Pride is more important than the family you care so much about? Marco was running to WB after the first heart attack...would WB have turned him down still?
"Pride is more important than the family you care so much about?"
Same attitude that got Ace killed T.T
Midnight Delight
Midnight Delight
Didn't you see his reaction to Shanks offering an advice?
I think it's simply because Oda only came up with Marco's healing powers post-timeskip. It looks a lot more like he came up with it on the fly to expand on Marco's DF instead of having it originally in mind while creating it.
"Whitebeard wouldn't have let him."
That's very unlikely. He let the nurses take care of him when he got first introduced. Why wouldn't he let Marco do it when it'd be faster and more efficient?
Midnight Delight
Midnight Delight
He was in public and likely didn't wanna show weakness in front of everyone, not to mention that he wanted to die that day so it would have been pointless