
For me it seems like Vegapunk just doesnt care if marines, pirates, revos or something else. He just wants to study and create. He wants to learn and learn, doesnt matter with which person together.
Not a huge fan of the idea ot him being with the revs, more likely I think him and Judge are gonna meet again. He probably just wants to invent shit. But deep down he seems to also not want to give the wrong people too much power like Momo's df being regarded a "failure" is hella sus.
I never liked that idea of him being affiliated with the RA either. Nor of Kuzan being in league with them.
@Buusatan94 yeah agree the same for Kuzan too, I just want him to have his own agenda not affiliated with anyone. Just him being a Vagabond, trying to see the world from the other side, as a non-marine.
Jew D. Boy
Jew D. Boy
You don’t think there’s any crossover between the aims of the RA and SWORD? They both aim to reform the corrupt governing system, having someone like Vegapunk at the nexus between the two ideologies seems appropriate to me.