minamoto Mar 18, 2022 jaime pas la foto de ton profile..sa sinifi ke t un des mouchards de l'organization des tomates...
K!NG HARA$H!MA Mar 18, 2022 https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/756293353691414602/954292085173919744/IMG_20220318_161555_060.jpg The president we all need but don't deserve
https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/756293353691414602/954292085173919744/IMG_20220318_161555_060.jpg The president we all need but don't deserve
Sir Tuna Sandwich II Mar 13, 2022 You mods simp on Blue Scarf because he's your role model or something?
minamoto Mar 12, 2022 bon jour...dit klk choze a propos de la defeat de pgs de merde!!!!...i zon été batu seulment par benzema!!!...ahahahahahahaha..
bon jour...dit klk choze a propos de la defeat de pgs de merde!!!!...i zon été batu seulment par benzema!!!...ahahahahahahaha..
minamoto Mar 11, 2022 rayan svp rechange le title de mon thread to lufy teh boyjoy instead of Mr go...
mly90 Mar 9, 2022 Let's go LSG we can do this, it's time for a Messi masterclass tonight 🙃 https://c.tenor.com/5HKbLuKuIy0AAAAd/messi-lionel.gif
Let's go LSG we can do this, it's time for a Messi masterclass tonight 🙃 https://c.tenor.com/5HKbLuKuIy0AAAAd/messi-lionel.gif
BangOO🍅 Mar 9, 2022 I was walking down the streets of Paris when suddenly I saw Pessi getting arrested!! I heard the officer say “This time I give you warning, there will be no penalty!!” That’s when Pessi got mad and asked “No penalty?!”, and then he punched the police officer. Shame on you Pessi.
I was walking down the streets of Paris when suddenly I saw Pessi getting arrested!! I heard the officer say “This time I give you warning, there will be no penalty!!” That’s when Pessi got mad and asked “No penalty?!”, and then he punched the police officer. Shame on you Pessi.
(What did I do this time haha ?)