
homosexual dick lovin church were scared of his presence
cause ***** gay
Yo Tan Wa
Yo Tan Wa
I know many users who are more toxic and starts with insults from the start, Moe wasn't one of em.
Owl Ki
Owl Ki
I have interacted with Moe before (for the record, no, I am not a sword wanker) and he was, to put it mildly, the most obnoxiously insufferable individual I have ever had a discussion with and I have debated against Zorogang and Discord Shishio.

Moe was the epitome of every single bad debating tactic in existence. Disingenuous arguments, straw manning, baiting, trolling and outright lying, just to name a few.
Owl Ki
Owl Ki
Moe had a personal vendetta against any and all Zoro fans and he would consistently bait them relentlessly. Arguably none of them should have taken such obvious bait but that is not an excuse for deliberately looking for confrontation.
@Owl Ki is right in this instance imo. When an user doesn't show even the *slightest* will/sign to improve, then such user is irredeemable and must be punished severely.
Did he ever insult you tho ? Because that should be the worst crime here
Owl Ki
Owl Ki
As far as I can remember, yes. Usually involving either intelligence or reading ability.

He also liked using the term “Zoro brainer” as an insult. I got called that multiple times too. Lol.
When all you can provide in arguments are lies, baits and "No, u" responses, your ass is ripe for ban. He was building a house of cards, it collapsed.
But dont worry, your fellow great debater will be back, I bet. I doubt anyone has the balls to ban him permanently on any platform.
He had it coming, though.

The problem is, Moe literally antagonized everyone speaking against Sanji's "glorious" feats as "Zoro-Brainers". I've discussed twice against him, Mihawk thread and RS Sanji vs Teach, do you believe me that he was even worse than nik when I discussed with him?
The only one coming close to Moe was Zorogang - and he had it coming as well.
The mods were clearly fair by giving Moe several chances, Udon prison and so on, but nothing changed. It's not like it was a sudden ban either...
Users should learn from their mistakes instead of perpetuating foolish behaviours indefinitely. :/
Mr. Anderson
Mr. Anderson
The toxicity in general couldve been avoided from the start if you two fandoms would stop fucking with each other. Nobody dividing yall but yourselves at this point lol. The anger Sanji fans got didnt just come out of nowhere. Shit wasnt nearly this bad I'm DR
zorogang was banned too. its based on the amount of warnings they recieve. imo good riddance.
Warchief Sanji D Goat
Warchief Sanji D Goat
So now who is gonna be my master then? :pepesad:
If the stuff with Moe is true and that was his last strike then him being banned was on him, however you still can't ignore some of the Zoro fans that take arguments way too seriously especially when it comes to the whole Zoro vs Sanji debate.
Yes it's definitely for the frequency of his actions rather than them themselves. Same fate happened to ZoroGang after all. There's no distinction of treatment.
Some Zoro fans are cool, but I've seen plenty of others that will resort to baiting, name calling, getting way too serious and angry, and can't take criticism or even jokes about Zoro.
Owl Ki
Owl Ki
Every single Zoro fan I can think of that fits this description has been to Udon at least once and they all know that they will go the way of Zorogang and Moe if they do not get their act together.

If you see anyone breaking the rules, just report them, the Mods will deal with them.