Search results for query: Neckbeard

  1. Ven437

    Character Discussion Where does this idea that Law is the new gen Whitebeard come from?

    ...for our homeboys in the sea” :13_Punches: Shanks got perm scarred to Kaido-lvls of ptsd so hard he snitched to WB and told his gang “let’s wait and hide near Wano to sneak-diff Neckbeard”:josad: Turning an anti-feat into a pro-parallel feat is devious top tier agenda work just another day at WG
  2. Blackbeard

    Anime & Manga One Piece Spoilers - The Waiting Room

    That's why I didn't put his head in your avy's background.
  3. Kurozumi Wiwi

    Anime & Manga One Piece Spoilers - The Waiting Room

    Gigabeard is known as the top 1 off-screen for a reason
  4. Sir Yasheen

    Anime & Manga One Piece Spoilers - The Waiting Room

    Oda continuing his normal way of showcasing characters: Portrayal >>>> feats
  5. Jika

    Anime & Manga One Piece Spoilers - The Waiting Room

    His fight with law negates all of this.
  6. Elder Lee Hung

    Anime & Manga One Piece Spoilers - The Waiting Room

    You’re actually correct, Neckbeard > Nika
  7. Blackbeard

    Anime & Manga One Piece Spoilers - The Waiting Room

    I'm positive that back in 1059 when old Rayleigh admitted he cannot defeat Teach, majority of Neckbeard fans would've been ashamed to use that as hype for Teach. Now that Egghead and Elbaf happened, Teach actually defeating old Rayleigh with Yami being useless is the ultimate glaze.
  8. Bepo D. Bear

    Of course Neckbeard's an eagle fan, just another L in his L collection 🤢🤢 That dancing Limchar...

    Of course Neckbeard's an eagle fan, just another L in his L collection 🤢🤢 That dancing Limchar is too much, you will pay for this 🤮😤
  9. kyejames316

    No limits perv, fat chicks, incel, neckbeard, hentai, sissies, findom, feet, sheesh man idk how...

    No limits perv, fat chicks, incel, neckbeard, hentai, sissies, findom, feet, sheesh man idk how many do you want to be
  10. SkySanji

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1138 Spoilers Discussion

    Neckbeard fans...:crazwhat:
  11. The Legend

    General & Others Shanks Blackbeard and Mihawk: 3 paths of strength

    One thing Neckbeard and titlehawk share is that they both peed their pants when Shanks arrived and challenged them all to their overwanked faces
  12. Owl Ki

    Controversial Trump vs Harris who do you predict wins?

    ...obnoxious, pretentious, whining, bipedal L factories that turn your politics into an actual active life style. Atheism got castrated by being associated with obese, double chinned, fedora tipping neckbeard Redditors. r/Atheism has saved more souls than the average priest circa 2020 A.D...
  13. TheKnightOfTheSea

    Speculations The Blackbeard Pirates will stop the Mary Geoise food blockade and Ju Peter will reward them for it

    I think he had a loose plan that involved using Koby as bait for other more important marines that could be used as a real bartering chip. Or he planned on capturing another valuable marine/someone else important to the WG remember that he went to Hancock's Island for her fruit.
  14. Brush D. Teeth

    Speculations The Blackbeard Pirates will stop the Mary Geoise food blockade and Ju Peter will reward them for it

    Why did the neckbeard retard think Coby was enough of a bargaining chip to become a king?
  15. Zemlya

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1127 Spoilers Discussion

    shave your neckbeard
  16. Nikuzi

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1126 Spoilers Discussion

    to be fair, blackbeard is a middle aged unc its still weird with sanji but a little less
  17. ZenZu

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1126 Spoilers Discussion

    Tbf BB is twice Sanji's age.
  18. ConquistadoR

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1126 Spoilers Discussion

    When Sanjino does it, its Mr. Prince flirting. But when Neckbeard does it, it's harrasment & Teach is a pedophile. Now you can recreate the flirting vs harassment meme.
  19. Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1126 Spoilers Discussion

    The best part is the "the submarine would be impossible for Shanks to handle". Like, bruh, have you been snorting meth or something??