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  1. Medeia

    Controversial General Political Discussion

    Bjorn Hocke in Thuringen exists, ready to become first-minister of that state and its just a matter of time at this point till he becomes Fuhrer of AFD. His influence is already bigger than that of the current party leaders in Bundestag anyway.
  2. Medeia

    Controversial General Political Discussion

    Bin ich sehr froh, dass ein radikaler AFD & Trump Supporter genervt ist. Das was du supportest hätte nach 1945 mitsamt Stalinismus ab in den Müllhaufen der Geschichte gehört. So yeah the feeling is mutual.
  3. Medeia

    Controversial General Political Discussion

    Well one of multitude of reasons (not just coming from far-right spaces but these kinds of chambers you mean) why i deleted my twitter account almost 4 years ago, shit just deteriorated my mental health and too much time away from my everyday life.
  4. Medeia

    Controversial General Political Discussion

    Tbf i've seen this misandrist bs mostly from older lesbian thirdwave influenced feminists, some of them who went cozy with conservatives and far-right over the decades in Germany and elsewhere in part by going mad that vast majority of lesbian and feminist spaces (called FLINTA in Germany)...
  5. Medeia

    Questions & Mysteries When Shanks becomes an inevitable antagonist for Elbaf, will Zoro fans push for Zoro to figt himm?

    Zoro gets Beckmann and Luffy gets the #1 as always unless you really wanna see Loki or however Giant leader is gonna be called > Shanks or some outsider appearance like Blackbeard. But yeah some Zoro fans are gonna push for that clash against Shanks.
  6. Medeia

    Controversial General Political Discussion

    It's absolute american-centric nonsense, a second us-american civil war would be caused at absolute worst.
  7. Medeia

    Euro 2024!!! Kicktipp

    Only Brazil has done this before in 1958-1970 and 1994-2002.
  8. Medeia

    Euro 2024!!! Kicktipp

    Such a great young team, this title couldn't be more deserved gratz Spain!
  9. Medeia

    Character Discussion Oda's failure with Kaido

    Wano being worse than WCI is revisionist history cause i said so /s But yeah the damage to the story done by Wano arc really seems to be permanent and i'm mostly continuing for the sake of finishing this long ass commitment.
  10. Medeia

    Speculations Is Bellemere queer?

    Yeah Kiku and Yamato are pretty much the exception to this depiction from Oda.
  11. Medeia

    General & Others Rob Lucci astonishing performance

    Same with Doflamingo in Dressrosa yet he's portrayed as below Cracker and Jack level, Awakening doesn't matter at this stage if your Devil Fruit itself ain't top tier and augmented by strong enough Haki.
  12. Medeia

    General & Others Rob Lucci astonishing performance

    Kaido got hit by Luffys ultimate attack tho instead of a no-name attack, same with Kizaru when he got hit by a fast finishing attack and immobilized temporarily. Lucci stalling Zoro for some time would have left a way better impression if Oda showed some of that before Zoro fucked him up with...
  13. Medeia

    Is V confirmed stronger than Arie hon and Eduan Khun?

    Honestly i have no reason to believe that post floor 134 V was not still the strongest alongside Zahard nor have we plausible reasons to believe that Family Heads and Zahard got significantly stronger since then. Like seriously through what fights and experiences were they supposed to? Gustang...
  14. Medeia

    Anime Discussion [Summer 2024] Anime Seasonals - General Discussion [Season of the Robot Waifu]

    Moving on from the for obvious reasons heated politics thread... So far none of the new Anime i've tried so far this season make me really invested (Alya, Pseudo Harem, Dahlia, Elusive Samurai, My Wife has no Emotion, Wistoria and Days with my Stepsister), guess this season just ain't for me.
  15. Medeia

    Controversial General Political Discussion

    That wasn't a personal remark towards you (i know way too little about you even in this very forum and your posting history let alone personally irl), rather just a clarification on my own political commitment that influences my votes.
  16. Medeia

    Controversial General Political Discussion

    Well even as someone who's commited to human rights of masses + minority groups i'd be lying if i would not vote ultimately for what benefits me personally economically, in my personal freedom in everyday life and so on and the one most positively affecting my personal wellbeing ultimately gets...
  17. Medeia

    Controversial General Political Discussion

    Yeah imagine to have the gall to call out anyone about "not knowing shit about politics" after that comparison of murdering a terrorist org leader and a foreign government official, like goddamn the average population always proves to be so dumb i'm sometimes starting to sympathize with that...
  18. Medeia

    Controversial General Political Discussion

    Again Trump supporting Americans should be the last to lecture european citizens about what they are experiencing in the goddamn continent
  19. Medeia

    Controversial General Political Discussion

    I live in Germany and see everyday what Hocke and his guys do in eastern germany you fucking buffoon, Roo is right about the whole "anti-establishment" brainrot from you types
  20. Medeia

    Controversial General Political Discussion

    Trump supporters should be among the last to decry about that tho and again i would just shut up if you know so clearly little about european politics and scum like AFD in Germany, the whole history of RN and other fuckers. This is not about demonising classic average conservatives as literally...