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  1. ruffyxz

    The baiting Room

    Guys, can someone summarize the actual hints?
  2. ruffyxz

    The baiting Room

    Does someone know if I can adapt an automatically “Spoilers are online” Alert on my Discord Channel for friends?
  3. ruffyxz

    The baiting Room

    I got the raws, it‘s a mid chapter. Go lick on grass or something. :suresure:
  4. ruffyxz

    The baiting Room

    Vodka Kingdom? Oda come on… 🤦🏻‍♂️😂
  5. ruffyxz

    The baiting Room

    Booby sounds better
  6. ruffyxz

    The baiting Room

    Lance didn’t post spoilers since weeks. We always get them from someone else. One week it was Etenbooby, one week the korean forum … I don’t think that Redon will post them today or tomorrow. Let’s hope for Etenbooby or the korean forum
  7. ruffyxz

    The baiting Room

    Mods, this thread needs a slowdown modus.
  8. ruffyxz

    The baiting Room

    Fr.. I read his tweets and I thought we would have legit 1832 leaker 😂 Always “one of the leaker” dude how many leaker does we have 😂
  9. ruffyxz

    The baiting Room

    Fr… I can’t understand why ppl hope for Kaido Awakening. He already had so many forms. Enough is enough or the fight continues until end of the year 🤦🏻‍♂️
  10. ruffyxz

    The baiting Room

    Dayummmm…. This should end quickly, I can‘t give more “I’m gonna finish this for good” Luffy moments anymore
  11. ruffyxz

    The baiting Room

    Which hints I missed? Can someone send them ?
  12. ruffyxz

    The baiting Room

    Hey ppl, you should sleep. Fk One Piece.
  13. ruffyxz

    The baiting Room

  14. ruffyxz

    The baiting Room

    It‘s a GIF about winning a WWE belt. The point of the GIF is that the man is very happy for winning it. This can just mean that Kaido lost.
  15. ruffyxz

    The baiting Room

  16. ruffyxz

    The baiting Room

    Bro it‘s a hint with WWE belt win… what could it be else than Luffy Win?
  17. ruffyxz

    The baiting Room

    lol redon blocked me on Twitter. Probably I asked to much for the Spoilers. Idc either 😂
  18. ruffyxz

    The baiting Room

    It has a meaning behind my Pp.. He used it too for a while 😂 1652115195 :gokulaugh:
  19. ruffyxz

    The baiting Room

    How you like my new Pp?
  20. ruffyxz

    The baiting Room
