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  1. Near

    General & Others Things you fear Oda will do that are unfortunate possibilities

    Make Luffy a Joy Boy clone. It would ruin his character and just feel like a cheap reveal.
  2. Near

    Character Discussion Which character did you start out hating but ended up loving, and it genuinely shocked you?

    I have never hated any one piece characters (except Vander Decken :tchpepe:) but one character I wasn't to fond of but ended up liking later was probably Garp. He grew on me as a character, and I like him a lot more than I did before.
  3. Near

    Break Week Kuzan’s Bounty FINAL Prediction Thread (UPDATE 11/01/2024 - I Guess I Lied)

    Around 4 Billion most likely. He is part of one of the most dangerous pirate crews around at the moment, he is strong, and as a former marine he may know information that the government doesn't want leaked.
  4. Near

    General & Others Which situation is worse Saul being Alive or Kuma still being around?

    I don't mind either. Even though I don't like fake out deaths most of the time, I'm glad Robin got to meet with Saul again, and Kuma still can play a role in the story.
  5. Near

    Break Week A bit random and boring Question... Did you expect the Kanjuro betrayal?

    I knew one of the scabbard was probably going to betray them but I didn't know it was going to be Kanjuro.
  6. Near

    Hey NotTommy! I didn't know you had an account on Worstgen as well.

    Hey NotTommy! I didn't know you had an account on Worstgen as well.
  7. Near

    Speculations If Luffy doesn't kill...

    I'm sure Oda will find some workaround. It wouldn't make much sense if Imu is still alive after his battle with Luffy.
  8. Near

    Hello All

    I heard a lot about worst-gen so I thought I might check the place out. My favorite anime character is of course Near and favorite anime is of course Death Note.