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  1. Momori

    The baiting Room

  2. Momori

    The baiting Room

    NWH is about to be a masterpiece especially if Tobey appears
  3. Momori

    The baiting Room

    All these fake spoilers man
  4. Momori

    The baiting Room

  5. Momori

    The baiting Room

    When will the spoilers drop?
  6. Momori

    The baiting Room

    Typical Sanji stan who thinks they are equal but has absolute NO feats to compare with:
  7. Momori

    The baiting Room

    When are the fucking spoilers coming out?
  8. Momori

    The baiting Room

  9. Momori

    The baiting Room

    wtf is that
  10. Momori

    The baiting Room

    W for Tobey Maguire
  11. Momori

    The baiting Room

    When are the spoilers going to drop? Someone give a time frame.
  12. Momori

    The baiting Room

    제목 "징베 V.S 후즈후" * 타마가 카이도 진영 쪽의 타겟이 되어 쫓김. * 신우치들이 차례차례로 나서 타마 보호.. 타마와 나미는 스피드에게 올라 탄 듯. (우솝의 "나도 태워줘"라는 대사로 추정) * 나미가 제우스를 "짝꿍"으로 인정해 줌. 相棒 * CP0의 전력 현황 분석 컷. 후즈후에 대한 언급 있음. * 여기서부터는 all 징베 v.s 후즈후 (전투씬 묘사 전부 뺌) 후즈후는 정확하게는 고무고무 열매를 자신에게서 빼앗은 샹크스를 원망. 하지만 루피가 샹크스의 모자도 쓰고 있고 고무고무 열매도 먹었으니...
  13. Momori

    The baiting Room

    Remember when we used to get spoilers on Mondays when we were on the roof? Good times.
  14. Momori

    The baiting Room

    Cmon spoilers guy quickly :moonwalk:
  15. Momori

    The baiting Room

    "2018" nice
  16. Momori

    The baiting Room

    I really enjoyed Vagabond it was amazing
  17. Momori

    The baiting Room

  18. Momori

    The baiting Room

  19. Momori

    The baiting Room

  20. Momori

    The baiting Room

    It's 43c over here which is a blessing since its usually around 50. Middle eastern moment.