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  1. Narushima

    The baiting Room

    Killer is gonna behead Kaido confirmed
  2. Narushima

    The baiting Room

    He always sends 3 emojis chill with the three stuff
  3. Narushima

    The baiting Room

    20 mins yo
  4. Narushima

    The baiting Room

    How do people like you still exist
  5. Narushima

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1047 Spoilers Discussion

    Yeah, basically there are official RAWS from Shueisha which have no text on them at all (including the editor's note and the box at the bottom), so it's easy for them to know who has those
  6. Narushima

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1047 Spoilers Discussion

    How is it only his problem? Did you read what I said? read this
  7. Narushima

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1047 Spoilers Discussion

    It puts Shueisha on high alert and they might go ham on the leakers
  8. Narushima

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1047 Spoilers Discussion

    Oda confirmed that the Magu Magu > Mera Mera, he didn't say anything about the temps, the fruit is simply superior
  9. Narushima

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1047 Spoilers Discussion

    Well Orochi is so unless Hiyori left that place, she'll be there
  10. Narushima

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1047 Spoilers Discussion

    ight, it just sounded like it was new information for you
  11. Narushima

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1047 Spoilers Discussion

    Why do you sound like you only found out about it today, aren't you a provider?
  12. Narushima

    The baiting Room

  13. Narushima

    The baiting Room

    There's no cover story this week so no.
  14. Narushima

    The baiting Room

    lol ok thank you
  15. Narushima

    The baiting Room

    Hey, about the new magazine, is it confirmed that Kaido is the strongest in all of history? Also, will we get a full translation?
  16. Narushima


    It's about the endurance overtime, Luffy might be above Kaido for like 10 minutes but Kaido would easily tank that and would drop Luffy, mid diff max, he's just too tanky
  17. Narushima


    A huge part of Kaido's power is his endurance though, if they're both 100% Kaido would fuck Luffy up