Wano's length along with it feeling like a drag kinda makes me not care for Elbaf. I'm ready for the endgame. Unless Elbaf plays a pivotal role in that, I probably won't care for it.
Zoro and Sanji bounties ain't eclipsing 1.4 billion. I would be shocked if it did. Oda went out of his way with the bounty ranges with Queen, King, and Marco. That seems to be the bench mark for a commander.
In the grand scheme of things, Zoro exploits on the rooftop are not that grand. Him defeating King will have a larger impact on his new bounty than what he did on the roof. That's why people have him and Sanji's bounties close to each other. Both are fighting commanders.
Time and time again through out this series, it has been Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji being the powerhouse pillars of this crew. This dynamic will never change no matter if a strong ally joins the crew. I don't understand why people want the M3 to change when Oda makes it clear he is not changing it.
Sanji's PU is not an asspull like some want it to be just to complain about it. Its a story dating back to WC arc. I'm of the mindset, you were giving an ability by someone you might not like, but just to stick it to them, make that ability your own and give the creator the middle finger...
Oda didn't ruin Sanji. He mishandle him. Sanji was usually the prime person used to appraised the arcs main antagonist post time skip. And then in WCI he did not even get a major 1v1 battle while Luffy fought 2 commanders.
This statement would have merit if Sanji did this to himself. He was born with this ability whether he like it or not. Sanji is working with the hand he was dealt.
I don't get this unearned nonsense people are trying to peddle for Sanji. He was born with his latent ability. The raid suit is just bringing it out of him. Sanji is working with the hand that was dealt to him. People are trying to dimish Sanji out of fear he may surpass their favorite character.
So many insecure Anti Sanji fans. The pettiness will be in overdrive once Sanji defeats a commander. Just accepts Sanji's greatness and keep it moving.
I'm to the point I'm not really interested in an Elbaf arc. No arc should be this long and feel dragged out. When the raid started, we should have been getting non stop action.
I'm just going to speak this into existence. We will get the Sanji and King aerial battle. King took interest when Queen mention Sanji possibly being Lunarian. Sanji is going to have some kind of awakening and King will spare with him.
I say this because Queen and King are not split up from...
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