Kid doesn't need Laugh Tale anymore, he is already exploring the technologically-advanced cities at the bottom of the ocean. Bro is playing 4D chess. :kidsmile:
Cope more Neckbeard's fans, EoS Koby solos.
Nobody cares about your Yawnko circlejerk lmao
Keep coping because I know Zoro's better than the neckbeard
Neckbeard is just a steping stone for Wuzan like WB was for Neckbeard, Oda confirmed it here:queenmoji:
The only pirate "underling" featured on the spread, he will outlast Neckbeard
Funny, I had to shorten my answer since I could not make more than 34999 characters :shocking:
No. I rather you give up actually. I don't like to waste time for nothing. But you do you and I will do me :)
Like I said, no one can beat my determination on this forum. Once I lock on, I never let... making it unnecessarily larger in content when most of it is irrelevant.
I'm taking you seriously when you stop acting like a no life neckbeard elitist because none of the stuff, which you argued so far, justifies in your entire stance being an "expert of storytelling" for a decade. I'm...
Welp, you don't have to believe mate. I do not intend to give you a full resume here
In this case, yes.
Also don't forget one thing: Theorizing is NOT the same thing as analysing the story.
I have theorized a few thing a few times (Carrot's future for example). But when I'm... claim you could tell more than Oda about this point.
Also, bragging about your narrative skills being better than others (especially that "I'm an expert because I've been "studying" narrative telling for 150 years!") is some OP neckbeard elitist, discord mod cliche lmao.
Oh boi.. I think I have found the evolution of Bob here..
Its an electrik type
Talking about first degree here...
If there was no consent then this must be brought in front of justice and the rapist must be put in jail. Simple
We are not talking about porn here, its illegal...
...need to be beat everyday. fuck those consumers, zero self respect. it just a waste of time, like i could use that money to buy new clothes buy new shoes by manga etc.
sanji is a good example
you support porn? you probably do not shower and are a reddit mod with neckbeard and cheetos
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