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  1. Yere93

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1043 Spoilers Discussion

    Honestly I don't know how to feel so I'll wait a couple of chapters because today everything looks very bad, literally Luffy will die as Jesus to revive as Joyboy Even so, I hope that Joyboy loses against Kaido, at least the bad taste in my mouth would be less
  2. Yere93

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1043 Spoilers Discussion

    I'm in denial, I wanted the awakening for the climax with Blackbeard and the gura gura
  3. Yere93

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1043 Spoilers Discussion

    So gear 5 Joyboy?
  4. Yere93

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1042 Spoilers Discussion

    The panel in the left corner is the best reaction we've seen in Kaido, I think that behind all that hype there is a good character
  5. Yere93

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1042 Spoilers Discussion

    Wow this is probably the first chapter of the raid where I feel real stakes, Kaido showing emotions really make it dramatic and with real atmosphere
  6. Yere93

    Questions & Mysteries Say something positive about Wano

    In spanish Wano reads the same as guano, guano means animal feces so it's funny that since its conception this arc stinks
  7. Yere93


    Zoro hallucinations + Brook gag
  8. Yere93

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1038 Spoilers Discussion

    so another week where literally nothing happens, Wano could be half as short and 100 times more exciting
  9. Yere93

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1037 Spoiler Discussion

    Why can't we criticize even 20% of the fight? Wano has almost 200 chapters its like a complete manga and if the story is not interesting its just Oda's fault, this shit has no tension
  10. Yere93

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1037 Spoiler Discussion

    Please Oda I beg you, don't make the Gomu-Gomu a legendary fruit, Wano is already one of the worst arcs please don't ruin it anymore
  11. Yere93

    One Piece Chapter 1034: Queen vs Sanji

    Meh chapter literally nothing happened just action. Queen has surprised me he's one of the most versatile fighters in the series, I think as a last resort he'll use the ice oni plague on himself. The interesting part will be the aftermath of the fight, Sanji without emotions and his connection...
  12. Yere93

    My Hero Academia Chapter 335 Spoilers Thread

    The last panel is beautiful
  13. Yere93

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1031 Spoilers Discussion

    The interaction between Zoro and Sanji is amazing now I really want Sanji to lose his emotions, that moment between the two of them is going to be incredible
  14. Yere93

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1031 Spoilers Discussion

    This place is stupid, you are stupid. You are really powersacaling one of the most important interactions between Zoro and Sanji, what story are you reading? I think One Piece is not for you
  15. Yere93

    My Hero Academia Chapter 331 Spoilers Thread

    Wow she's fucking amazing I can't think of a stronger and more capable woman in shonen so please hori don't kill her
  16. Yere93

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1030 Spoilers Discussion

    yeeeaaah they aren't beating Mama, they'll hurt her and it'll be a great moment for them but it is clear that she will kick their asses in the end
  17. Yere93

    My Hero Awademia - Chapter 330 : Me and Myself

    wow she's ridiculously op, is Star the strongest female character in shonen?
  18. Yere93

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1028 Spoilers Discussion

    Since his introduction he was the best Beast Pirate but in each appearance he surpasses himself, it shows that Oda created Queen with care compared to the others
  19. Yere93

    One Piece Chapter 1027: Danger Beyond Imagination

    Wano has been the biggest disappointment of all One Piece