Luffy making friends is easier than breathing for him, that's not new. However, no character has gotten the amount of background baggage that Yamato has gotten specifically with Luffy. You could remove everything about her past except that she hates her father and that would have been enough...
Then why bring up her waiting specifically for Luffy if it doesn't go anywhere? Why make Yamato the one that made Ace's Vivre Card? Why have her be one of the few characters to know Luffy's true dream? All of that is wasted if she just stays with Momo. There wouldn't have been any need to...
While I won't deny the possibility of Tenguyama being Sukiyaki, it does feel very off if he's been alive all this time because the entire reason that Orochi took power was that Sukiyaki died while Oden was away. If it turns out that Sukiyaki was alive the entire time and just let Orochi ruin...
While I agree, there is the hanging thread that Momo isn't able to read Poneglyphs. He would have the opportunity to learn to read Poneglyphs from Robin so he can continue the Kozuki tradition (which is pretty much the only thing right now that would justify him leaving Wano).
Luffy mentioned Pedro, so I guess that'll keep hope alive for Carrot fans for a while. I do distinctly remember a certain someone saying that if Carrot is the one to react to Luffy's Gear 5 transformation that it was proof of her joining, yet here we are with Momo and Yamato and Law...
My gut reaction to the big reveal was that it hurt Yamato's chances, but Chopper already has a Human Fruit (and I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out to be a Model version too, like Yeti or something, to explain why his full human form is so different). At the same time, if Luffy is building...
Is it hindsight bias or foreshadowing? He did manage to get the ship out through the gates of justice while being fired upon by multiple warships which is pretty impressive.
No argument there. I might toss Vivi somewhere in there below Yamato. I don't think there's anyone else I would...
I just think some of Luffy's major allies are going to be "elevated" beyond simply being friends, just like the Grand Fleet were. Right now, I would put Law at the top of this list followed by Momo, Kid, Bon Clay, Hancock, Sabo, etc. I think these characters will bring their groups into the...
Yep. Since I first saw the alphabet theory and saw people arguing that it meant we're still getting 2 more, I always thought it was odd that no one seemed to consider that Going Merry and Vivi might already count towards this. But I've never liked any of the 13 Straw Hat theories outside of...
I've always seen it more as the Thousand Sunny inherited the Going Merry's will/spirit.
I don't either, but she's still considered an official Straw Hat and if the alphabet theory is true then this is the only way she could still fit in.
I completely agree that she'll likely declare the...
I'd give this to Going Merry (now Thousand Sunny)
I've seen people argue for Vivi (V V = W or Ms. Wednesday)
I've never been a believer in the various 13 Straw Hats theories, though I wouldn't be mad if your line-up was the final one. Hancock would be a little out of place to me, but Oda did...
She's the Hancock/Pudding to Zoro's Luffy/Sanji. She never had much chance once that dynamic started. She also doesn't have a dream beyond seeing Momo take over Wano. Probably the most damning point is that she hasn't really interacted much with Luffy (I honestly don't remember if the two...
In the spirit of actually moving on, Luffy showed a lot of interest in ninjas. It didn't quite get to the level of his interest in having a musician, but enough that I did think Oda was going to have a ninja join. Tama is the obvious choice, with her desire to leave, her connection to Ace, her...
We've had Usopp, Sanji, Franky, and Jinbe leave their groups to join the crew, so it wouldn't be the first time. Oda could also have them stay behind in Wano/Zou to help with the rebuilding or have them go searching for more Poneglyphs since Law and Robin discussed Poneglyphs and the Will of D...
The most I can say is that he could fulfill Ace's wish to see Luffy become Pirate King. Otherwise, he's got the Vivi problem of dedicating himself to protecting a location. He's also a doctor, so he's redundant. I know I've argued for Law before, but Law at least has shown interest in running...
Even during what was arguably Carrot's only real character-defining moment, Pedro's death, Luffy wasn't present. Instead, Pekoms told him about it, and Luffy didn't really react either after he was told or when he met up with the group again. Pekoms said that he was making sure the crew got...
The "Drums of Liberation" is a very interesting phrase. It's probably a reference to the book "Sacred Drums of Liberation" which is about African groups and diaspora using culture as a resistance force against slavery and colonialism, which is fitting for Wano. Most of the cultural aspects are...
We've also seen Wano has a problem with accepting outsiders and holding grudges well beyond any rational sense. The Dukes, Kawamatsu, and the Kurozumi family were all victims of this, and it's even partly the reason Wano is in the state it's currently in. The Oni child of the man responsible...
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