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  1. C

    The baiting Room

    Poeple still believes this dumass has some king of information about next chapters ? Don’t you see he is peeing on himself because redon won’t post his summaries, he ain’t a provider/informer he’s just like all of us waiting for spoilers and refreshing this forum, asking him about hints is the...
  2. C

    The baiting Room

    luffy’s peeing on kaido
  3. C

    The baiting Room

    Any Spanish king/queen tu translate us or just explain a little bit ?
  4. C

    The baiting Room

    You mean like non-spoiler readers ????????:whitepress:
  5. C

    The baiting Room

    Any hints ? 1648993222 Bro stop playing with us
  6. C

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1045 Spoilers Discussion

    Thank you that’s why I was talking about the ones who are okay with an ending like this
  7. C

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1045 Spoilers Discussion

    Well I just asked a question, I saw a comment and thought that a 5 years old can’t be in this forum there’s too much bad language here
  8. C

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1045 Spoilers Discussion

    juste someone who doesn’t have oda’s dick in his mouth, can you say the same ?
  9. C

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1045 Spoilers Discussion

    and I think you can be 25 and love t we ain’t in high school musical, I am just saying that a charachter like Kaïdo should be respected and get properly sent off, if you can’t understand that and you are okay with that than good for you but that’s not my case 1648713512 Proof ?
  10. C

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1045 Spoilers Discussion

    i actually don’t understand why poeple assume Kaïdo has an awakening in his sleeve, I think he’s very powerful already he’s close to unbeatable if he has awakening I think it is the end of the raid and the anime. I reaaaally would be surprised if he had one
  11. C

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1045 Spoilers Discussion

    I’m sorry but how can anyone be okay with this fight ending like this ? How deep can Oda’s dick go in your throats ??
  12. C

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1045 Spoilers Discussion

    Brooo same right here, all week telling my friends the fight is gonna get more serious cause yeah Luffy is a funny dude but I think I didn’t see him as « childish » as this in any of his other fights + his new forms always come with really amazing abilities ( which he has in gear 5 ) but I think...
  13. C

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1045 Spoilers Discussion

    Bro what tf is this ? Hope we get some serious panels in the next chapters, no way Kaïdo is going down this way he ain’t a space jam villain if he goes down this way well I think we may all apologise to ZKK because even though ZKK is shit, it still tops this nonesense of a fight wtf Is his hand...
  14. C

    The baiting Room

    Okay thanks I don’t know the hours precisely yet
  15. C

    The baiting Room

    Looks like no spoilers from today, Korean leaker joins my Fraud list alongside Reborn
  16. C

    The baiting Room

    Yeah i was talking about the fact that it's in this period, i don't think it is positive for the players but let's hope they're fit and well rested by then
  17. C

    The baiting Room

    Don't know about november but sure hope that Algeria wins it ( never gonna happen )
  18. C

    The baiting Room

    sound real to me
  19. C

    The baiting Room

    Yeah I did Yeah I did, as you know I am Cora-san I can’t help myself to save a sick child :rosismile: