Let's see, boy, it's not that difficult to understand.
- Comparing the level of rivals, if you do it with all characters equally, is a good argument and is impartial.
- If you focus on hurting King but it only works for Zoro, that's a bad argument and it's being biased.
If you want to tell me...
And coincidentally neither Luffy nor Zoro used King's Haki on the Seraphines.
King began to dodge and defend against Zoro after he used AdvCoC. Until then, he also did not receive any damage, just like the Seraphines.
So no, the Seraphnes are not stronger than King, they simply did not find...
Luffy has also not harmed a Lunarian nor does he have feats that show he can do so, so you have three options:
1- As Luffy has not shown to be able to harm a Lunarian, like Zoro, they are both at the YC1 level. I don't share the opinion, but at least you prove to be impartial and at most you...
Because the vast majority of the Sanji fandom is still trying to put themselves on the same level as Zoro. And because that same part tries to sell an L for Zoro for fighting Lucci.
You yourself are the example. When Lucci fought Luffy, he was above a YC1, he was someone Zoro couldn't...
It is clear that Zoro defeated King with his maximum power. In fact, the finisher is a clash of power against power with the best attacks proven in combat. That King decided to deactivate the flame is something he decided himself and there will be a reason.
If you want to argue that Zoro isn't...
You can't say that Zoro is not superior to a YC1 for not being able to damage King with the flame and then assume that Luffy is superior even without being able to harm someone with the Lunarian genes.
You have to use the same criteria for everyone. The use of different criteria is where it is...
At the moment Lucci has not achieved even the thousandth as much as King. I repeat to you that Zoro is relaxing, making fun of Lucci and talking calmly with Luffy.
His way of life or death? Who says it? At the moment he has not used Asura and barely the King's Haki. Those sparks are tiny, when...
Actually if there were no agendas, people would realize that Zoro is closer to Luffy than any other 1 Commander. Because the Muguis are going to be the most balanced band, even more than Shanks' band, who has highlighted it to us, and more than Roger's band, in which Rayleigh is convinced he can...
The thing is that even though he is clearly not doing everything possible, he is not having any major difficulties, he already speaks highly of Zoro.
The problem is the same as always, when Lucci faced Luffy, many said that he was level 1 Commander or higher, but now that Lucci is fighting with...
Zoro is not being serious because he does not have the bandana, but his actions are also in line, Zoro is very relaxed at the moment, even making fun of Lucci and we have not seen him in any trouble.
In fact, we haven't seen Zoro use any named attacks.
When we see something similar to this...
Do you choose the narrative keys?
If Kaido's AdvCoC attack didn't exist, Luffy would never have learned how to use it. It is a key moment. What's more, both Kaido's first AdvCoC attack and Luffy's first AdvCoC attack complement each other. They are just as important.
As Luffy's defeat is...
We have never been told that the AdvCoC has the effect of hitting without touching. It's very easy, I can give you the specific paragraph about the AdvCoA having this capacity, do the same with the AdvCoC and I'll give you the reason without any problem.
The only two times where AdvCoC's...
It has never been said that the AdvCoC has the ability to hit without touching, in fact, there is evidence to the contrary:
First confirmed attack with AdvCoC and we see how it clearly hits Luffy.
What is it about said attack that we have never seen, except for the honorable exception of...
Even Sanji fans and Zoro haters who unfortunately tend to overlap often have been able to admit the fact that Zoro has AdvCoC. There are very few of you who resist the obvious. When your best arguments are fanboys and Oda's mistakes, you should start rethinking things. Because maybe you're just...
It's a lousy explanation. The narrative always comes first regardless of Luffy. If your ideals or thoughts don't fit the narrative, you have to change yourself and not the narrative.
Here Luffy already knew more than enough about the AdvCoC and we see how Kaido hits him. It is supposed to be...
I've explained it to you several times, putting up panels from the manga and all, but you keep holding on to your ideas no matter what the evidence is against you.
We've never been told that the AdvCoC has the ability to hit without touching. Like they've done with the AdvCoA. This is something...
Only when two AdvCoC attacks collide does the "no touch" effect occur. As you can see with Kaido, Yamato and Zoro, they do hit their enemies.
The "don't hit" effect is something of the AdvCoA, as defined by Hyogoro and we see how Luffy "doesn't hit" Kaido. Also, we can tell that Big Mom also...
As always you're on the subject again. Even if you go against the norm, at least leave it until there is new evidence. When chapter 1035 comes out in color. Because for you it's all about colors, although by the way in the anime, the color of Zoro's rays are from AdvCoC.
Besides, you keep...
Following a plan and making it your dream is not the same.
Mihawk and Crocodile are in an Alliance, both have to contribute and row to the same place. Mihawk's dream is to be the Best Swordsman and find a rival to surpass Shanks.
As long as they don't say otherwise, what you do in between is...
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