Are the same ones that said Sanji only spotted Queen due to the creak sounds on the floor.
I wonder why?:quest:
Watch Sanji haters be saying that Nusjuro is a senile old man who is deaf and blind, therefore he can't hear Sanji's screaming in front of him and couldn't activate CoO due to old age.
I barely see any OP threads without mentioning Sanji at least once. And there are some spoilers threads which has nothing to do with Sanji whatsoever but somehow got people dropping his name for good and bad purposes (wank, slander, memes, etc.)
Is this forum obsessed with Sanji or what? Like...
Is it just me or is the art is terrible lately?
I can't even tell if Sanji was using DJ or just base kicks. DJ is supposed to look like this:
Not whatever Sanji is kicking Nusjuro with. It almost seems like Sanji sets Nusjuro's head on fire with a normal kick LMAO!!!!!!
We all know this iconic Sanji moment.
Plenty of speculations were made based on this claim, such as maybe Sanji getting the highest bounty among the Strawhats EOS? Or maybe Sanji is gonna pull a "Gate of Justice"? Or perhaps Sanji is gonna defeat an opponent that is so strong that the Marines...
It's not surprising to say that Post-Timeskip is inferior to Pre-Timeskip due to how Oda is handling Sanji's character.
Pre-TS we got some of the greatest arcs featuring Mr. Prince in Alabasta and The Hunter in Enies Lobby (Marineford doesn't count cuz Sanji is not even there and MF arc is...
Not sure if there's a thread for this already but if not, it don't matter cuz my scenario is more interesting anyway.
Light skin stare mewer big daddy Goliath Shiba:
Or edgy sexy goth dark hero rizzler of Qin, Kanki the Beheader?
Restriction: Kanki and Shibashou have no...
Part 1 here if y'all are interested:
Anyway, so the topic of this thread will be about the retainers/vassal generals of Great Generals.
As we know, it's common knowledge that most generals and great...
For a supposed clone, she did all this all on her own volition. Give some respect to my girl Stussy man!!!
@Sir Yasheen @Etzel Andergast @Nikuzi @CoC: Color of Clowns etc.
So Han used to have a Great General named Seikai.
And we all know what happened to the dude.
And later in the story, we got introduced to General Raku'A Kan and Adjutant Yoko Yoko of Han in chapter 673, the same chapter where the revival of Qin's 6 Great Generals was announced across all...
So the thread was, do y'all think Kanki was the one who teached Mougou about building a trapped-filled fortress? Or at least inspired him to do so?
The only possible counterargument for this is that Mougou has planned this fortress for two DECADES to counter Renpa, and Kanki DEFINITELY didn't...
A pretty simple thread. What got you into reading Kingdom? It can be a friend who recommended to you on the internet or a friend in real life recommended to you or you just somehow found out about Kingdom on the manga store and decided to buy first volume or something like that and decided to...
"New Gen will always surpass Old Gen" is the old saying that applies to every piece of fictional work when a characters are growing in their journey.
Renpa, Rinshoujo and Chousha got surpassed by Riboku of the today's Great Heavens, what about the future Great Heavens?
Well, I think the three...
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