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  1. KingLoum

    General & Others My problem is not chapter 1044 my problem is Wano as a whole.

    In my opinion Wano is the top 5 worst arcs of One Piece and Onigashima war/raid is one of the worst wars/raid I've ever watched. These are the reasons: 1-PIS, Oda abuse of PIS throughout the wano saga. (Plot-Induced Stupidity) 2- Otama, a child who conveniently has a power capable of...
  2. KingLoum

    Speculations Oda is replacing Roger with Joy boy.

    Pre-Time skip Gol D. Roger was the main legend of One Piece, but now in Wano Oda is telling us that JoyBoy is the main legend.
  3. KingLoum

    Current Events Luffy being Joyboy was not planned since the beginning of the story.

    I dont know why the people in that sub is acting like this shit was planned since chapter 1. This story was always about inherited will and not encarnation bullshit. (inherited will ≠ encarnation) This Joy Boy thing is a late game addition, it was not planned by Oda since chapter 1. If you...
  4. KingLoum

    One Piece fanboys are the most hypocritical fanboys on the planet.

    They are constantly telling people that One Piece is special and is not like the others shones but when people criticize One Piece/Oda they say that One Piece is just a shonen. Oda does not kill any character- 'Is just a Shonen." Luffy and his friends gain new powers from thin air- "Is JuSt A...
  5. KingLoum

    General & Others WorstGen subreddit

    Why don't we create an R/WorstGen on reddit. R/Onepiece is a place where you can not make any type of critic to One Piece, is a place full of Goda dick riders and place full of toxic positivity. Would be great to have another One Piece related sub reddit where people diverge on their...