Good chapter but do need a clear translation, nobara’s death remains one of Geges biggest fumbles, and just confirming it here with no buildup is weak.
Gotta be honest at this point wedding cake obsessed starving big mom was more threatening than having all 5 elders on the island trying to stop the straw hats escaping.
Holy Knights/Imu/Ancient weapons will level the stakes but without the immortality stuff they haven’t felt like massive...
Is this the first arc ever where Franky has more hype moments than any straw hats bar Luffy (and maybe Sanji)
give me one decent dialogue scene and it’s his best arc since enies lobby imo
Oda thawing off something under wano just before we go to elbaf the man has never been more clearer :kaimoji::fullmom:
move kizaru and Saturn real antags coming back
Hillarious that the leaks were going crazy hinting stuff just for the Vegapunk speech to not even happen yet.
seems like a good chapter though, finally getting an extended fight this arc.
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