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  1. Hades

    Future Events Luffy vs Akainu makes more sense than Sabo vs Akainu

    So many speculations are going around that Sabo will fight Akainu instead of Luffy which is wrong...neither thematically Sabo has nothing to connect with Akainu nor emotionally more distraught than Luffy when Ace died infront of him.... There are two reasons why Luffy is the one who fights and...
  2. Hades

    Speculations Luffy defeats Kaido not because of strong punch (not literally), Luffy defeats Kaido with the help of straw hats (again not literally)....

    Latest chapter we had some attacks parallel to Zoro, Sanji, and Usopp what if Oda idea is to mean symbolically straw hats helping Luffy to defeat Kaido....for example, Luffy new gear variant is incorporating some of the techniques from the fighting style of Zoro, Sanji, Yamato (?), Jimbei...
  3. Hades

    Questions & Mysteries What is the fruit gorosei was talking about?...

    Interestingly the conversation about DF came in the talk among gorosei....let us see.... In wano, let us take all the things related to devil fruits..... Gomu gomu no mi: this was mentioned by who's who and his grudge against Shanks because Shanks stole this fruit and WG punished who's who...
  4. Hades

    Speculations If Yonkos are separated, then who takes who?

    Thread is as straight forward as it is...supposedly by some miracle 5SN is able to separate two yonkos, now which combination will take which emperor?