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  1. Death Row

    Character Discussion Characters you have trouble understanding how people like

    Ace. After Sabo took the reins, he is clearly a more interesting character. The fact people still whine about Ace to this day baffles me.
  2. Death Row

    Questions & Mysteries Why did Rayleigh not help save Ace?

    Probably not confident he can take on the marines. It's not like dude is in his prime anymore. He wouldn't make much a difference anyway imo.
  3. Death Row

    General & Others Why Neji's death makes no sense

    I can agree with that point. Neji wasn't really a character with a lot of screen time. And the Hyuga were hyped up to be the rivals to the Uchiha in terms of power, but that never came to fruition. So yeah, I guess Neji didn't matter that much in the grand scheme of things.
  4. Death Row

    General & Others Which Fandom Took the Bigger L in Wano? Zoro Fans or Sanji Fans?

    Zoro fans. It was hyped to be his specific arc. Expectations were sky high, but never panned through all the hype.
  5. Death Row

    Questions & Mysteries Which Zoro interactions you rather see Bonney or Tashigi?

    Tashigi is the only one that makes any sense. I don't see him having any meaningful connection with Bonney.
  6. Death Row

    Who is currently the best character in shonen ?

    I agree with this. He came a long way from the cowardly kid from the beginning. I eventually came to prefer him over Dai as protagonist.